Urban Landscape Seminar Case Study List

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Urban Landscapes Topic Map
Participants localise their case studies (October 29th, plenary session)

Open Space Elements


The classical Gardens of Suzhou, China by Zhang Yujun


History of a popular park in the heart of Zürich, Switzerland by Louis Wenger

An artistic and cultural project in Munich, Germany by Martina Tuda

Design in mission to bring people together in Berlin, Germany by Haris Piplas

Parks in Neu Oerlikon, Zürich, Switzerland by Lars Wolfer, Yvonne Keller

conversion of traffic area in Berlin, Germany by Salome Gohl

A new place to meet in Chihuahua, Mexico by Sofia Lopez


An old cattle market in Dublin. Redeveloped as a public open space as part of the re-generation of inner city Dublin, Ireland by Eunan O`Donnell

Residential Environments

An ecological housing area of Viikki in Helsinki, Finland by Virpi Vertainen

The Diplomatic Quarter in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia by Christoph Dankers

Commercial Environments

Cihampelas City Walk in Bandung city, Indonesia by Nino Christian Handoyo

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Urban ecology and Nature conservation

An ecological housing area of Viikki in Helsinki, Finland by Virpi Vertainen

A natural river island located in the central city zone of Belgrade, Serbia by Jovana Kovacevic and Daliborka Stojakovic

15km east from Paris' Center: An educative program about the relation between humans and nature near Paris, France by Lolita Voisin, France

Conflicts among the stakeholders during the conservation of Lake Mogan Special Protection Area, Turkey by Emel Baylan and Bihter Bingül

Revitalisation of an illegal residential occupation area to a city park – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by Juliana Aschwanden-Vilaça

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Urban redevelopment and revitalisation / Brownfields

Planning for expansion: The reinvention of Lincoln, New Zealand by Paul Wilson

The contribution of landscape architecture to urban redevelopment and revitalisation: A case study exemplified by the east quarter of Karlsruhe, Germany by Joerg Kappler

The Proud Revival of a City by Martha Fajardo - Victoria Solis

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Water Management and Urban Water

Rebuilding the memory of scenery for Westlake in Hangzhou, China by Qinyi Gu

Restructuring and renaturalisation of a former 70ies "Concrete bed river" according to the European Water Directive in the City of Vienna, Austria by Barbara Birli

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Urban Design

An artistic and cultural project in Munich, Germany by Martina Tuda

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Public Space and Civic Identity


A cultural, recreational and open Space in Córdoba, Argentina by Liliana Baldi

Comprehensive Plan of Uggledal in the city of Göteborg, Sweden by Andrew Butler

Gender mainstreaming

Parks in Neu Oerlikon, Zürich, Switzerland by Lars Wolfer, Yvonne Keller

Social inclusion

Regeneration Program in Budapest - Józsefváros, Hungary: - Renewal of retarded urban district with the involvement of the residents by Agnieszka Górniak

Social Urbanism: Enhancing community building and social capital through public space. A case study in the city of Medellin, Colombia by Camilo Calderon

The Historic Peninsula of Istanbul - Dynaming the Urban Regeneration for All: Improving Alternatives for Social Sustainability of the Suleymaniye Regeneration Process in Istanbul, Turkey by Harun Ekinoglu

Civic Identity

An artistic and cultural project in Munich, Germany by Martina Tuda

Winterthur, Switzerland 2004 by Roman Häne

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Green Structure Planning - Strategies and Policies

Planning for expansion: The reinvention of Lincoln, New Zealand by Paul Wilson

Green Belt

The creation of a green belt as an impulse for urban regeneration in Schweinfurt, Germany by Markus Peter

Connectivity and the River Lagan, Belfast, Northern Ireland by Claudia Houck

Green Infrastructure

Green Infrastructure for Informal Settlement in Watershed Area of São Paulo Metropolitan Region, Brazil by Thelma Hisayasu and Paulo Pellegrino

Wetland park

Designing a wetland park in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China by Jing Bai

Regional park

Regional parks as informal tool of spatial planning at the example of Rhein-Main metropolitan area, Germany by Nils Pudewills

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History and Conservation

Villa D'Este in Tivoli, Italy by Denise Ascione

Winterthur, Switzerland by Martina Anna Kühne

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