Assignment Design with Nature

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General information

Participants seeking for a seminar certificate are required to complete an assignment. This is basically a reflection on a heritage landscape - a garden, park or area - which is currently challenged or under pressure. Please refer to areas in your personal local environment or areas you know well.

The process for getting involved into this assignment is as follows:

  • Add the heritage landscape you want to reflect to this google spreadsheet
  • Based on the topics you have chosen, we will form thematically related discussion groups
  • Each member will then receive an own wiki page which will be prestructured. You complete this template stepwise as we move through the seminar.
  • There is an interim presentation/discussion on November 14 and a final presentation/discussion on December 19. All presentations will be done live in our seminar room and in parallel groups.
  • Students from ECLAS Member Schools are free of charge, other participants are asked to donate 20 Euro to the LE:NOTRE Institute (details on this will be send out shortly)

Framework for case study documentation

  • Why is this case relevant? In this section you briefly explain why you have selected your site/are, why it is considered heritage and what is the cultural value (max 150 words)
  • Which idea of ‘design with nature’ guides the design concept of this site? In this section you talk about the design concept of your area. Is it a highly maintained site, i.e. does the design with nature require intensive maintenance? Or does the site follow a more organic interpretation of nature? Which changes are expected if maintenance is missing?
  • finish this first section until the Interim presentation on November 14, 18 00 - 19 30 CET
  • What are the challenges for the garden/park? Here you discuss the types of negative impact you are observing but you can also mention new functions that could give a development opportunity
  • What would be your strategy for improvement? Finally, please share some ideas of how you would initiate positive change for your heritage area
  • Add references and links, please use your own images
  • finish this second section until the Final presentation on December 19, 18 00 - 19 30 CET