Talk:Case Study Nürtingen 2

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Montevideo group 03 on Nürtingen group 02 (Gabriel, Nemanje + Beate) selected project

We found the selected project really interesting and captivating. The general considerations that justify their choice (the use of local materials, the simplicity and elegance of its design, its subtle inclusion within a historic and well defined area, its self-reliance energy , its strong and local rooted narrative, and its poetic dialogue with the elements of nature) are very compelling. We also share the team's ethical stance in relation to global warming, environmental pollution and the disciplinar commitment with these problems. Similarly, regarding the need to measure the impact of our actions and decisions from the perspective of design (as quoted to in the article by Craig Pocock) is also very compelling.

Notwithstanding these considerations, after seeing the project and its context, we raise some questions:

Should it be the landscape conceived as a work of art (produced by an individual person or group) as an interesting urban attraction, as Nicola states, or as the provisional result of a complex and collective process? Is this a false opposition?

Is there a difference between a work of art, a spectacle and a landscape?

What happens when individual interventions start to accumulate in a limited area? Does not this imply entering a regime similar to that of an amusement park?

An installation suggests something "fragile, provisional, removable and that is able to be re-used. Was this project conceived in these terms?

The formal simplicity of the proposal contrasts with the technological complexity that makes it work and that gives the meaning to the project. What should be the relationship between landscape and technology, thinking of technology obsolescence in the context of an environmentally friendly design?

Must the landscape of the future be necessarily linked to technological sophistication?

Nürtingen group 02

We believe there are no definitions to which how a landscape should be perceived; it could be of any shapes, form or wherever you might name it. It would be impossible to define how a designed landscape should resemble.Sometimes they might appear as works of art and sometimes as a part of nature and occasionally radical interventions. But most of the time, beyond the forms of these works, we discover narrations which explains its existence and this should be the mainstay.

An internationally renowned landscape architect, Maya Lin has showcased works that are of the simplest forms. To name one such project, we can refer to the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, USA. Consists of nothing more than a cut into the ground, its design speaks of not only its environment, its metaphorical contour but also the human emotions.

Thus, any effort to categorize how landscapes should be perceived ought to be considered as a hindrance to the otherwise creative, expressive and philosophical creation.

That will highly depend on your perspective of an amusement park. In our opinion, an amusement park is a place of entertainment; they bring joy, relaxation and excitement to people. If a landscape project has the qualities of being responsive and sensitive to its environment and furthermore picture as an amusement park, I would consider it a successful installation and maybe could even name it ‘Amuse-scape’. In addition, this ‘Amuse-scape’ highly flexible in its usage is equipped with LED lights that are programmable and interchangeable to exhibit vast varieties of displays, tailored to appropriate occasion, therefore it is referred to as an installation by Nikola .

From here we come to the very last question, which is the combination of technology with landscape. What do you see in technology? Is it a gift or a curse? Technology has indeed caused a major inbalance on our planet. Ironically, it is also undeniably one of the most effective solutions to its own deeds.

At the moment, the married of technology and landscape has created bursts of positive waves to the environment. It is increasingly observable that majority of the landscape projects are incorporating technologies into their design. These projects involved everything from extremely simple to complex technical details nevertheless sophistication was never an issue. Unless one day it is proven that technological sophistication produces in any way negative impact on the environment, we should continue to explore the possibilities of it.

Ultimately, the future landscape should consider and continue to explore all kinds of potential that are able to unravel the global issues we are facing today and in the future.