Planting Design 2013 Working Group 12 - Case Study A
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Please add the title of your case study here, adjust the map coordinates and replace the moa image with a characteristic image of your site
Name | Costa Quebrada | |
Location | Liencres Cantabria | |
Country | Spain | |
Authors | Paloma | |
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Rationale: Why is this case interesting?
Please give a short introduction to the site you have selected (not more than 150 words)
- Why did you select it?This photo represents the Costa Quebrada , is located in the north near the city of Santander , Spain . Livestock Landscape and in turn important geological area . is a stretch of coastline that serves both geological and recreational stage of the senses
The coast of Costa Quebrada is listed in the Inventory of Geological Interest Points IGME ( Geological Survey of Spain ) , and included in the Natura 2000 as SCI (Site of Community Interest) , which in 2005 are now called ZEC ( Special Areas of Conservation ) .
- Is it exemplary for a specific theme or a problem?Important patrimony litoral with a wealth of flora and fauna.
- In how far does it relate to your life?I chose this case because my parents house is near and I have worked on Litoral Interpretation Centre as Environmental Educator to teach people the natural wealth of the coast and the importance of conservation. I have gone to this beaches since I was a child and I love to enjoy and look after the landscape and I love to enjoy and care for the landscape because I have a lot good memories.
Author's perspective
From which professional background/perspective are your documenting this case? I´m documenting this case from my perspective as Environmental Science and my works in landscape. I am also decumenting this case from the perspective of a person, who lives in this area and know the problems associate. I would like to talk about social issues and the human footprint as influences in its current state. I try to find their potential in the future taking care of environment.
Landscape and/or urban context of your case
- Biogeography, cultural features, overall character, history and dynamics
- Illustration: Map; sketches; short descriptive analyses
Costa Quebrada is a stretch that serves both of geological setting. This is cataloged in Stock Points of Interest Geological IGME (Geological and Mining Institute of Spain) in included in the Natura 2000 network as LIC (Site of Community Interest), Which in 2005 are now called ZEC (Special Areas of Conservation).
In the Late Cretaceous , towards the end of the Secondary era, about 100 to 80 million years before the actulidad , there was a rotation of the Peninula Iberica with repect to the rest of the European continent (Galicia and Brittany were originally attached ) opening the Cantabrian sea and leading to aparieción our coast.
Its uniqueness is that is raised against the sea side of a parallel to the coast syncline which the strong interaction Land / Sea has resulted in few kilometers a wide variety of coastal forms : islands, tombolos , isthmus , marine rasa, abrasion platforms , coves, beaches, dunes, etc.
The rock layers that appear on the Costa Quebrada were compressed , breaking and getting up to reach an almost vertical arrangement is that with slight modifications we can obsevar.La internal structure and arrangement of rocks today have changed slightly since entoces , but how shoreline position and have undergone significant changes . The sea, together with the action of rains and streams, have been modeling since the relief to form the present landscape.
Different macroecostistemas forming Costa Quebrada are conditioned by the topography , altitude , climate, etc. .. Just as the anthropic action on the environment.
There are different ecosystems : Near beaches and dunes, where the physical characteristics of this ecosystem and allow great plant coverage , so find species adapted to an unstable environment that does not retain water and loaded it sales.It has small leaves and fleshy , large root systems and large concentarción osmotica.Zonas of intertidal zones cliffs , atlantic heathland ( heather that live here are protegidospor the Habitats Directive ) . Areas of meadows and crops : more extensive ecosystem in Costa Quebrada , its origin is due to deforestation by humans, pasture for livestock , mainly dairy .
This escosystem originates from the anthropic manipulation within the Atlantic Landas . This consists of herbaceous plants , perennial roots. The faunal species are characterized by this ecosostema frequently move through the fields in search of food and protection.
There is great diversity , highlighting insect communities since encuentram large amount of food in the young leaves of the grasses . These together with the molluscs and annelids form the base of the food pyramid for this ecosystem.
Analytical drawings
Please add four analytical sketches/drawings (or montages/schemes) of your case and take the following aspects into account:
- natural dynamic versus cultural framework - in how far do these two forces come together in your case?
- dynamic through the year (you may imagine how the site looks in spring and summer, maybe you also remember it)
- highlight potentials and problems
- Analytical Drawings
- Yourfilename1.jpg
analytical drawing 1
- Yourfilename2.jpg
analytical drawing 2
- Yourfilename3.jpg
analytical drawing 3
- Yourfilename4.jpg
analytical drawing 4
Projective drawings
- Please add four projective sketches/drawings (or montages/schemes) for your case and take the following aspects into account:
- How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
- And how could it look like in 10-15 years?
- Projective Drawings
- Yourfilename1.jpg
projective drawing 1
- Yourfilename2.jpg
projective drawing 2
- Yourfilename3.jpg
projective drawing 3
- Yourfilename4.jpg
projective drawing 4
Summary and conclusion
Please summarize your case and give arguments for your projective design (approx 150 words). Occupying large meadows and landas, there are urban complex , causing a high visual impact and landscape appear . Especially some aggressive urban development plans where integration judgment, with the environment or forecast medium and long period are out of place by economic interests.
Some techniques like screens of trees , open spaces with mixed areas between buildings ( or deportives park areas) . Would serve to reduce the impact and preserve the beauty of the area.
Image Gallery
You may add a series of images/photos in addition to the sketches/drawings
- Image Gallery
- Yourfilename1.jpg
image 1
- Yourfilename2.jpg
image 2
- Yourfilename3.jpg
image 3
- Yourfilename4.jpg
image 4
* Please make sure that you give proper references of all external resources used.
* Do not use images of which you do not hold the copyright.
* Please add internet links to other resources if necessary.
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