Group T - Concept Mapping of Seminar Topics

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Renewable Energies and Landscape

Concept Map

Miguel ConceptMap Reinke 2.jpg


As the world is slowly turning towards renewable energy, as fossil fuel sources are facing depletion, leading countries are developing strategies and policies, so as to harvest renewable energies, with least cost and risk, which directly affects communities, as designating proper locations for energy plants plays a main role in granting approvals for renewable energy plants.

When thinking about Wind power, one should consider the potentials and opportunities in harvesting wind energy. As statistics have shown that the wind is growing stronger, main strategies must be developed on a global scale, as to make way for renewable energy consumption, instead of fossil fuel consumption.

The bavarian case-study provides a great example in developing local policies and strategies for wind energy harvest in regards to the landscape setting. A major question arises here, how can we learn from local German "Bavarian" policies, and readapt them to other international contexts?

The answer lies in the tools themselves, as for instance regional planning principles are easily adaptable to other "local" contexts, as well as using section planes in determining the safest distance for placing renewable energy plants, without risking any form of disturbance to the biosphere, natural environment, and landscape cultural, historic, and scenic values.

Another point worth thinking about is developing a global strategy and action plan, where main guidelines would be implemented in locating energy plants, as well as protecting the biodiversity in each local context, and implementing climate friendly strategies.