Case Study Nürtingen 2
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Core Question 1: In how far does this project reveal your concept of future landscapes?
Core Question 1 In how far does this project reveal your concept of future landscapes?
In the present conditions of our planet, the climate change is fight that everyone has to be involved in. There are no differences in regards to your social background; it is affecting every single one of us on this planet. Although it is everybody’s war, certain professional has a bigger role to play than the others and one of them definitely is profession of Landscape architects.
Landscape architects have the potential to be on the frontline of tackling the issues; we are trained to plan and design for a better quality lifestyle. Our work provides comfort to people, which is a lacking factor in the solution against climate change. Most great ideas are either neglected or abandon, not because of its ability to reduce the green house gases but because of its ability to provide comfort. We are constantly redefining comfort and providing effortless solutions to climate change, which can already be found in most of our designed space. However, the success of most landscape projects are witness only after the project completion and tested with accurate analysis the amount green house gases reduced. How about during the construction period, are there any tests to show much harmful gas that is released due to the project’s implementations?
As mentioned in an article “The Carbon Landscape” written by Craig Pocock 20, he worked out a conservative carbon footprint for the materials he has specified over the last fourteen years and offset it with the amount of trees he has planted. The results were astonishing; in carbon volume (tons) he has in fact released a total amount of 15475 tons into the atmosphere and was only able to offset 498 tons in total.
As a Landscape architect, we should not only reduce the green house gases in our already polluted atmosphere but also stop the emission of such gases. There is a need for us to rethink how our projects are carried out, right from the very beginning. Every materials and methods have to be analyzed and reconsidered.
Future landscape should be installations that does not requires lots of transportations, constructions, and should cater to the contemporary needs and responsive to the cultural, economy and historical context. Most of all, it should be in harmony with nature and should poses little or no impact on the natural environment.
In reference to the discussed project, “Greeting to the Sun” by Nikola Basic, the installation, in my opinion has most of my concepts of a future landscape. Other than modular glass panels and steel, the project consists of only local limestone. This could be easily obtained within the territory. The design itself is simple, elegant, near invisible and poses no conflict to the existing historical site and at the same time present a strong narration of the cultural heritage of the city. Furthermore, the project produced enough energy to function on its own and even sufficient to power the entire port, greatly reduces the carbon footprint of the area. Last but not least, it integrates with the environment, creating a poetic dialogue with the sea and sun.
In conclusion, the project eliminates carbon emission and responds to the fragile site sensitively. If given the opportunity, I will hope that the project could also feature functions in absorbing harmful pollutants. That will overall be a perfect future landscape of my concept.
Landscape and/or urban context
The city of Zadar is surrounded by mountains, sea and flat land. The different attitudes presents varieties of flora and fauna.
Wildlifes like the wolves, mountain goats and bears are frequently spotted in the mountain forests.
A large area of Zadar is dedicated to National Parks. Several are situated in the mountainous region and four of them in coastal region.
An amazing number of fishes can be spotted just along the coastline of the city. That will include also dolphins.
Kornati Islands in Zadar are the wildest and most indented archipelago of islands of Croatia. It consists of about 147 isles and rocks. Most of the areas are unpopulated. The park has a deep bay that is 9 kilometers long and 1 - 2 km wide. In all there are 25 bays, 5 isles and a Mediterranean vegetation of nearly 300 spices
Cultural features, Overall Character and History
Although critical to the development of the city, the prefect geological formations does not comprises of only wealth and growth. During the early medieval ages till the late 20th century, Zadar went through a series of triumphs, wars, rulings and destructions. As a result, both its political and physical landscape were constantly destroyed, rebuilt and evolved.
The days of Roman domination has left the city with Roman urban character. The town was planned with typical Roman system that organised the town into rectangular street plan. A forum, thermae, a sewage and water supply system was all part of the master plan. Which has all became part of the unique character of Zadar <>.
The history of instability cost it to lose most of the historical structures, most prominently were those built during the Roman Empire. In the events of reconstruction, the city constructed new buildings instead of replicating these structures to its original appearances. About the same time (6th century) it was hit by an earthquake, which destroyed entire complexes of monumental Roman architecture, whose parts would later serve as material for building houses<> . That contributed to the many different architecture styles existing in Zadar, according to the period in they were rebuilt. Most of the significant historical buildings still existing are made up of generally Romanesque architecture houses<>.
Although new building emerged, the soul of the city’s long heritage are well preserved within the new structures. Many of its structures still bear the same materials that were once used in the ancient construction. Walking through the ancient city, one can witness the textures and colors of the centuries old limestone in the buildings.
In defense to the threats from multiple nations, the city of Zadar is fortified with walls and towers offering protections from both the sea and inland. These walls have long existed since the Roman Empire and have been intensively strengthened along with its history to block off invaders. The walls and towers thus became a biography of the city, not only documenting the events and occurrences but it actually grew with the city. Under Venetian rule, Zadar was subjected to attacks from the Ottomans, so city defences were fortified as the building of new walls commenced in the 16th century <>.
Illustration: Map; sketches; short descriptive analyses
Cultural/social/political context
- Brief explanation of culture, political economy, legal framework
Illustration: Bullet points, image, background notes
Spatial analysis of area/project/plan
- What are the main structural features?
- How has it been shaped? Were there any critical decisions?
Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches photos and background notes
Analysis of program/function
- What are the main functional characteristics?
- How have they been expressed or incorporated?
Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches photos and background notes
Analysis of design/planning process
- How was the area/project/plan formulated and implemented?
- Were there any important consultations/collaborations?
Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches photos and background notes
Analysis of use/users
- How is the area/project/plan used and by whom?
- Is the use changing? Are there any issues?
Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches photos and background notes
Core Question 2: What is the role of landscape architecture in this project?
You may add 1-2 more core questions as discussed in your group
Image Gallery
Issues: Wildlife in Zadar , 2010 [online]. Available from: [Accessed 12 November 2010]
Zadar, 2010 [online]. Wikipedia Available from: [Accessed 19 November 2010]
Zadar, Main Sights Architecture 2010 [online]. Wikipedia Available from: [Accessed 19 November 2010]
Visit Croatia, 2009 [online]. Available from: [Accessed 20 November 2010]
Zadar, 2009 [online].
Available from:
[Accessed 20 November 2010]
Željko, R., 2004. ZADAR'S ECONOMIC BOOM [online]. Nacional Neovisni News Magazin. Available from: [Accessed 20 November 2010]
Barbara, S., 2008. An interview of Mr. Nikola Bašić [online]. CROWN Croatian World Network. Available from: [Accessed 20 November 2010]
Zadar Attractions : The Greeting to the Sun and Sea Organ, 2010 [online]. FIND CROATIA.
Available from:
[Accessed 20 November 2010]
Craig, P., -. The Carbon Landscape [online]. Carbon Landscape. Available from: [Accessed 21 November 2010] --- About categories: You can add more categories with this tag: "Image References", add your categories
Image References
Fig.6., Pula, 2010 [online]. Wikipedia Available from: [Accessed 19 November 2010]
Fig.7,11,12,13,14,16., Zadar, 2009[online]. Adriatic Traveller. Available from: [Accessed 19 November 2010]
Fig.8., University of Zadar, 2002 [online]. Availablefrom: [Accessed 20 November 2010]
Fig.10., Stadt Tor Porta terraferma, 2010 [online]. Wikipedia Available from:,_Zadar_8.JPG [Accessed 21 November 2010]
Fig.15., Welcome to Zadar, 2010 [online]. Available from: [Accessed 21 November 2010]
Fig.17., Sea Organ, 2008 [online]. Oddmusic Homepage. Available from: [Accessed 21 November 2010]
Fig.19,20., Greeting to the Sun,2008 [online]. Availablefrom: [Accessed 21 November 2010]
Fig.21., The Greeting to the Sun,2010 [online]. Availablefrom: [Accessed 21 November 2010]