Uploads by Gagank

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:01, 1 December 2015 OpenHandMonument.jpg (file) 1.95 MB A solution to improve the situation at the Open Hand Monument Chandigarh, India. 1
08:54, 29 November 2015 Open Hand Monumnent SLIDE 2.jpg (file) 467 KB   1
08:53, 29 November 2015 Open Hand Monument SLIDE 1.jpg (file) 391 KB This case study explains how policy and restriction on public usage of spaces can influence people and how public participation, citizen engagement in policing and such affairs could bring a change in the usage and character of these spaces. 1
14:31, 28 November 2015 Water Framework Directive.jpg (file) 279 KB This is a summary of The Eu policy, 'Water Framework Directive'. EU is committed to cleaning all waters, Ground and Surface water and has plans for these explained briefly in this conpet map. 1