Planting Design 2013 Working Group 26 - Case Study D
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The weathered heights of Yorkshire's Heather Moorland
Name | Heath-Moorland, Yorkshire, Peak District National Park | |
Location | Yorkshire, Britain | |
Country | England | |
Authors | Becca Huggins | |
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- Why did you select it?
I selected to look at this project because I find the place beautiful but also incredibly interesting, because of it’s ecology, it’s history and it’s maintenance. The Peak District’s Yorkshire Moorland is very well protected and I wanted to look in depth in to why it is so.
- Is it exemplary for a specific theme or a problem?
The National Park has high maintenance demands, some of the maintenance methods are contentious. For example there is 10 year rotational burning of the moorland Heather, so that new shoots keep growing and forests do not return through succession. The 22 million visitors to the national park each year also, poses considerable maintenance and conservation problems.
- In how far does it relate to your life?
I first visited the Peak District in my first month at university. I had just started learning about Landscape Architecture/Ecology, and we spent a lot of time there learning about the natural systems evident in the Peak district as a whole, I found the wet and dry moorlands particularly interesting.
Author's perspective
- From which professional background/perspective is your documenting this case?
I am currently in my last year of a Bsc in Landscape Architecture and Ecology at Sheffield University, UK. However I am currently on an Erasmus term out in Weihanstephan University of Applied Science, South Germany. Much of my professional experience has been in the environmental and ecological domain. However throughout my degree and Foundation Diploma in 3D Art and Design, I have been interested planting and ways of expressing different landscapes with various artistic techniques.
Reporting this case from a landscape architects point of view, who is interested in ecology and habitats, and getting as close to the wild as possible. I am hoping also to talk about human experience within these landscapes, and discuss how the prospective images explain different aspects of the landscape, and how it might effect us. The focus of this project will be to try and realise possible implementations that would improve fragmented landscape mosaics, while being aware of historical, economical and cultural framework that has become so key in appreciation and characteristics of the peak districts. I will highlight a walk through the Peak district area, looking at different points along the way. It is a walk I have made many times and have a feeling of connection to.
KEY CONCEPT: In George Monboit's recent book 'Feral,' he discusses how people view our natural environments, and the "enchantment...of rewilding." More importantly for me in this topic, Monboit states that we should not seek to "freeze living systems in time," managing ecosystems "as if thy were a garden." His point that we should not be managing our wild areas to never change, but accepting that they should and will, as is the dynamics of ecosystems. I would want to put forward prospective ideas which "permit ecological change to resume."
Landscape and/or urban context of your case
- ''Biogeography
Heathland/Upland Moorland
The name “Heathland” describes the physiognomic distinct landscape type of Culluna Vulgaris (Heather) vegetation that dominates the area, and is typical of British Moorland. Much of the vegetation types are distinct to the UK, which is what gives the area such a high conservation status. There is also extensive coverage with Moorgrass (Molinia caerulea), bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) and cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea). Some of the wetter moorland has sphagnum moss and turns in to bog and marshland (these parts account for a high amount of the UK's Carbon equestration). The Heather has stayed until now due to heavy animal grazing.
There are uncommon animal species such as Dartford Warbler (Sylvia undata) and Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca). One endemic species is the Red Grouse (Lagopus scoticus scoticus[1]).
Geology and Geography
The underlying geology of the landscape is predominantly Limestone making up the 'White Peaks,' also Granite which is contrastingly called 'Dark Peaks'. At the last ice age this area was right at the boundary of where glaciers came to. Therefore the valleys are both U- shaped by glaciers and V - shaped by rivers), there are also many hanging valleys. The interesting rock formations are one of the main visual features which give the landscape its particular character, and what many people would associated the Peak District with.
- Cultural features
Economic Features
Over 90% of the Peak district is privately owned land, however as a national park it is completely open to the public. For many people the Peak District and Moorland represents is an important heritage site. Walking, climbing and Paragliding, and Red Grouse shooting are very common and provide the area with the majority of its economic base for conservation. For the surrounding cities such as Sheffield, tourism also provides a large revenue, with around 45-50 million day visits to the Peak District each year.
Poety and the Local Area
Sheffield is one of the closest cities to the Peak District, and the closest to the area of the Peaks I will be focusing on. Sheffield has a long history of poetry, and particularly poetry about the Peak District. Here are two poems, one historical and one recent which explain the character of the Peaks, but also how it's integration with culture has been ever-present.
Sullen and vast the Winyates fearful chasm Yawns on the vale, as if an earthquake’s strength Had spent itself in one convulsive spasm, And then subsided – its tremendous length Cleaving the hill’s deep heart from side to side In jagged lines . . . Array’d on either hand Majestic images of beauty stand In stately rows – a mimicry of tall Cathedral, steeple, turret, castle - wall, And frowning battlements, whose reeling height Is such that mortals tremble at the sight . . . From: Scenes Around Castleton A Picnic at Woodhead and other Poems, Thomas Barlow 1867 [2]
A procession of cars twists up through the hills, each one intent on God knows where. Each one searching for a reference, an anchorage in an ocean of heather. Rest a while, you drovers and jaggers, unhitch your load. Look back from where you’ve come, the old paths lost now in the valley’s folds, the fraught sky tethered to a stone. This place is neither here nor there, but set your hand on its gritty heart, feel the earth’s cold pulse. For every path will lead you to somewhere you have yet to name. So choose, the road out, or the long road home. From: Companion Stones Poems Stoop, James Caruth [3]
- History
At first site many people believe that part of these landscape within the Peak District National Park are untouched, however "Its character has been influenced by thousands of years of human intervention and management" [4].
How the Moorland came about
Although the Heather moorland may look natural, its history is not. Some 1600 years ago vast quantities of forest was removed by man to be used for farming, after these areas were left, the Heather grew back in abundance (This is not true for all Moorland in the UK, only Yorkshire Heath Moorland) Due to heavy grazing from animals this heather scrub landscape was maintained.
Protective history
The Peak District is Britain's first National Park, and has 109 conservation areas within, due to sites of specific architectural, scientific or historical significance, often being counted as as SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). Also there are many areas with high levels of biodiversity which are certified as National Natural Reserve Sites, such as the Darbyshire Dales[5], which has large preserved ares of grassland woodland and scrub.
History and human development
Sheffield and Manchester are the two biggest and closest cities to the Moorlands. Many rivers through the moorlands, leading to these cities, have mills, and were extensively used during the industrial revolution, still today discarded Mill Wheels can be found around the Peak District near rivers and weirs where the mills used to be. The Mill Wheel remains the emblem of the whole Peak District.
- Overall character and dynamics
Landuse, landscape types and their dynamism
The whole national park covers 555 square miles. It has interesting landscape mosaics of Heath and moorland, marches and wetland, calcareous grassland, valleys, cliffs and ancient forest, on the boundaries of arable private land and intermittent farmsteads. The upland Moorland covers a vast proportion of the Peak District National Park. One dynamic feature is that it is a huge carbon sink, and holds more carbon per m squared then forests of the UK.
Overall visual characteristics
The character of the Moorland is rolling, rocky and rugged. There is very little cover above 1 meter, so you are open to the elements as you walk through.
Moorland and the British culture
The moorlands in Britian in general, have quite a strong history in literature; it is where Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë is set. Brontë describes the character to British Heath-Moorland:
"the power of the north wind blowing over the edge, by the excessive slant of a few stunted firs at the end of the house; and by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of the sun"
– here she is describing how you feel being exposed to the wind, and how the wind has bent the only trees, and the Brambles are reaching for any sun they can find – the landscape is windswept, and its force reminds you of the power of nature.
- Illustration: Map; sketches; short descriptive analyses
Analytical drawings
- natural dynamic versus cultural framework - and how far these two forces come together
The nature of the area I have chosen clashes strongly with the cultural framework that is associated with the Peak District. The walk I have chosen is a classic example of this, where many land uses come together with habitats, making them fragmented. Ultimately the cultural connection with the Peak Districts means that money, time and effort gets put towards maintaining these landscapes, both for visual heritage value and for biodiversity. Many of the Peak District Action Plan Documents,[[6]] discuss culture and nature as the two integral and inextricable aspects of the Peak District.
Tourism is very important for conservation of the Peak Districts; charitable funds are very valuable for conservation, which come from this tourism. When tourists and local people see the burning if the heather, they usually think it is on fire accidentally. Many people have a negative view of this system, not only because it releases large amounts of CO2 in to the atmosphere, but also because they believe Grouse Shooting is wrong. However the Red Grouse feeds on the new Heather shoots that are produced after this burning. It is through the sustainable management of the Heathland that the red Grouse has been able to survive, and why it is relatively endemic to this area.
The following diagram tries to explain these complex relationships between the social, economical and environmental aspects of the site.
- 'Diagram of Social, Cultural,Economic, Environmental and Historical interconnectivity of the Peak District Moorland'
- dynamic features through the year)
Lambs can be seen in spring, on areas of wildfower meadows and grassland within the valleys. Heather sprouts new shoots and gives a sea of dark purples, reds and pinks in summer. The Peak District is often brightest in the middle of summer, and in deep winter, when the landscape is lit up by the snow.
- potentials and problems
Much of the forest next to the Reservoir has been replanted, although this is positive, the tree species is not diverse with mostly Ash tree species. They are clearly quite young as the bark is still smooth, also there is very little coarse woody debris that has been left on the ground which is very important for invertebrates. Potential problems are that this forest area continues to not have a high diversity standard. There is an on going problem of how to maintain the heather moors and grasslands, and avoid successional vegetation turning it back in to forests using appropriate methods of maintenance.
- Analytical Drawings
- Analytical Drawings
This drawing explains the important dynamic changes of the forest landscape, which is on part of the walking trail. The Ladybower Reservoir can be seen through the trees. The diagram below explains the glimmering light through the trees brings rhythm and repetition as you walk. The canopy provides shelter and coverage for most of the year, which is very contrasting to the later landscapes in which very exposed.
A critical intervention
Viewing others work has shown me, I have been focusing too solely on the protection of flora and fauna. There’s no problem with this, however I need to be careful that I realize the importance of sustaining the landscape for human satisfaction. Because where there is interest in natural environments, there is also protection. It is important to find ways to protect these natural habitats where keeping history and culture alive, and allowing people to see these natural places. A building/kiosk/small walkers hut, containing information about all the complicated issues surrounding conservation and maintenance of these areas would be favorable.
Projective drawings
How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
- Implementation of and reintroduction of native wildflowers in certain areas, for example in the forest understory, certain plants can survive in the shadow of the trees such as Anemone nemorosa.
- Planting of variety of tree species at forest boarders to improve ecotones and ‘buffer zones,’ adjoining to farmland.
- Variety of new shrubs added to hedgerow, which are kept for both their historical and conservation value, and provide good ecological pathways for fauna.
- Rocky outcrops to be surrounded by patches of wildflower and other low scrub, to augment the heather, using plants that can deal with the acidic grassland and heathland. This perhaps is the most difficult, as the Culluna vulgaris is so dominant
And how could it look like in 10-15 years?
- Clear improvement of floristic biodiversity in ecotones and at landscape boundaries between agricultural and grassland/moorland/forested areas.
- Hiker rest and stop places in positions which are most relevant, in order to bring up important different landscape types within the peak district.For example the edges between farm, woodland and moorland.
- Projective Drawings
Summary and conclusion
I believe the small implementations I have suggested are achievable, however a piloting/testing, before the scheme was widespread would be advised. Care should be taken into ensuring that the plant mixes are right for their situation, not only as regards to soil and living conditions, but also that the mixes derived from other local wildflower and scrub mixes, and suit the surrounding visual character. Maps have been a good way of pinpointing within this vast landscape of the Peaks, where we might find the most fragmented habitats to improve, and which might have the most success. Overall this project has been beneficial not only for rethinking and landscaped area, but for realizing how far my own perspectives of nature and our own humanistic habitats differ to those from other cultures. Techniques for surveying, assessing and presenting our landscapes vary so widely across different cultures, I have become aware of lots of other effective methods.
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