Planting Design 2013 Working Group 16 - Case Study B

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Galgenberg Nürtingen - Baden-Württemberg - Germany

Name Galgenberg Park
Location Nürtingen
Country Germany
Authors Matthias Klauser
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The Galgenberg Park in Nürtingen is the largest green area in the city. It's not frequently used even though it is close to the center and there are not many alternative large green open spaces. One special aspect is, that it has a strong slope and old stock of trees. I'm studying IMLA in Nürtingen, but haven't been there too often.

Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

The Galgenberg in Nürtingen is the largest public green space in the city. Unfortunately it is not frequently used although it is close to the center and there are no comparable spaces in the city. It is special, because it has a steep slope and you have a nice view on top, but from the hidden entrance you can not see the inside the park.

Author's perspective

Since 2009 I'm studying Bachelor and Master in Landscape Architecture in Nürtingen. There were landscape designing as well as botanic and constructive education in the studies.

Landscape and/or urban context of your case

Context The park was created more than 100 years ago as an english landscape garden. In the lower part next to the Bundesstraße it has mainly meadows and an old tree stock. Some areas with bushes and trees are under nature protection, which can be a future problem, because they slowly spread each year due to low maintenance.The density of trees and shrubs are increasing in the higher zones in the west. Most paths towards are very steep or provide steps.

Facilities There is a football field, a playground, a skate park and a indoor swimming pool on the lower part. In the middle of the 20th century there was a building established for pouring out drinks from the spring in the park. Unfortunately highly enriched uranium was found in the water and so the building and the spring are shut.

The Pavilion, which was donated by Robert Reiner, whose family emigrated to the USA, is in the middle ground and in the highest spot there is the so called "Schillerhöhe", on which you can see all over Nürtingen. There you are at the edge of cultural important acres and orchards.

Analytical drawings

Projective drawings

Galgenberg in this projective future would be a place with culture and nature in a balance. It could be better accessible and used by people. On the other hand There could be a larger variety of bushes attracting butterflies, annuals and different orchard trees.

Summary and conclusion

It is a shame the park is not much used. It has a lot of potentials like the large old trees and the proximity to the swimming pools and the city center. The view from the top is wonderful and the surrounding is also rather appealing in its landscape and social structure. Anyway there are some problems which probably prevent people from going there: The hidden access, the steep slope and the lack of activities especially in the higher areas. With a better access, some reorganizing of open spaces and provision of new functions as projected it could become more popular.

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