Planting Design 2013 Working Group 10 - Case Study B

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Please add the title of your case study here, adjust the map coordinates and replace the moa image with a characteristic image of your site

Name Oerliker park
Location Oerlikon, Zurich
Country Switzerland
Authors Emil Tanner
Oerliker Park.jpg
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="47.415021" lon="8.538455" type="satellite" zoom="13" width="300" height="250" selector="no" controls="small">


Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

Please give a short introduction to the site you have selected (not more than 150 words)

  • Why did you select it?

The Oeliker park is an example of how former industrial sites in Switzerland are being transformed into attractive Living and green spaces. The park was built in 2001 as part of the regional development project "Zentrum Zürich Nord" under the direction of the city of Zurich. It is the work of well known Landscape architects Schwingruber Zulauf and Haerle Hubacher architects from Zurich. Through the use of Plants, in this case, trees(ash, birch, cherry, and paulownia), a volume was created within the architectral structures surrounding it instead of a open space. This should also lead to an interaction of landcape architecture and architecture in a sense.

  • Is it exemplary for a specific theme or a problem?

The project idea looks at the process of change and time. The trees were planted in grids which should allow the removal of trees out of the grid over a period of time leading to an openning of the initial volume. One could compare this with nature where a different picture is presented over time.

  • In how far does it relate to your life?

Bieng a student of Landscape architecture it is important to look at design as a process and not only as an end product. The work with plants allows this process to be implemented in this field of work.

Author's perspective

From which professional background/perspective are your documenting this case? I´m a landscape architecture student and the process of change and time makes a great part of the planning and design work that I do and hope to do in future. The ability to design and work with Plants makes us different from other architectural fields.

Landscape and/or urban context of your case

  • Biogeography, cultural features, overall character, history and dynamics

The Oerliker Park was built in 2001 as part of the regional development project “Zentrum Zürich Nord” and was the first of four parks {MFO-Park (2002), Louis-Häfliger-Park (2003) and Wahlenpark (2005)}. The aim was to revamp the former industrial area and create attractive spaces to live and work. The Park covers an area of about 17’500 m2, multi-purpose and is open to the public. It was built on contaminated ground and this lead to the west side being slightly elevated to accommodate an addition of earth. The Park was planted with trees (ash, birch, cherry, and paulownia trees) in a grid formation of 4x4 meters with some open spaces left for playgrounds and events. The trees would then be trimmed out including their roots to a grid size of 8x8 meters. The present development shows that the trees have struggled to grow as well as intended due to substrate issues. Important to note is that the participation of the neighborhood was and is very high in the development of the park.[1]

  • Illustration: Map; sketches; short descriptive analyses

Analytical drawings

Please add four analytical sketches/drawings (or montages/schemes) of your case and take the following aspects into account:

  • natural dynamic versus cultural framework - in how far do these two forces come together in your case?
  • dynamic through the year (you may imagine how the site looks in spring and summer, maybe you also remember it)

Projective drawings

  • Please add four projective sketches/drawings (or montages/schemes) for your case and take the following aspects into account:
    • How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
    • And how could it look like in 10-15 years?

Summary and conclusion

The Oerliker Park is a good example of the quality that can be achieved in design using plants. The dynamic process in the design is influenced by the thinning out of trees in the grid in time. However, from my point of view the grid element remains visible especially when the intended grid size of 8x8 meters the goal is. With a more random intervention, the natural process of nature could be imitated. This led to the projective illustration of a more unstructured arrangement of the remaining trees resulting in welcome niches. The niches provide new volumes within the larger structural volume with different size and quality. The Park is in its development dynamic but only through cultural influence.

Image Gallery

You may add a series of images/photos in addition to the sketches/drawings


* Please make sure that you give proper references of all external resources used.

* Do not use images of which you do not hold the copyright.

* Please add internet links to other resources if necessary.

Internet links

1. Planned removal of trees 2000-2025 schemes:








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