Green Infrastructure 2014 Working Group H - Case Study 1

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EAST PARK, Bulgaria, Sofia

Name East Park
Country Bulgaria
City Sofia
Author Martin Antonov
Cover map.jpg
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Rationale: The missing lung of the City

The site is located in the southeastern part of the capitol, in the residential complex "Mladost" with a population of 300 thousand people. This large complex has no large park yet. The General City Plan foresee the construction of "East Park" with area of 150,5 ha. The area is also an ecological connection with the protected area "Vitosha".

The current status of the area is a wasteland. The site offers no social value and the environmental value is minimal. Two small rivers pass through the territory, but vegetation is scarce represented by only a few species.

The potential of the territory in my opinion is great. There is an opportunity for the development of multifunctional structures to meet the health, cultural, aesthetic, environmental and historical requirements of the territory. The future concept will seek the human connection with the nature, to mitigate the adverse effects of the urban structure and to develop a biological corridor connecting the protected area for birds.

Author's perspective

I am a Landscape architect.

The site should have been one of the four big parks in Sofia, but it's development is postponed due to political shifts. Today , there are some private properties, which the state have to proceed to appropriation of the land. The budget for the 2010 budget provides 40 million. leva (the currency of Bulgaria) for the expropriation of the properties in the "East Park".Until this is done, there will be space for imagining what it will be look like if...

My relation with this site is based on the unlimited potential of ideas and concepts that can be implemented in it.

Landscape and urban context

  • Biogeography
  • Climate
Sofia is in the temperate zone with a low level of total annual sunshine. The temperature is characterized by a mean annual air temperature of 23 °C. The winds blow predominantly northwest. In winter rarely occur large snowdrifts and deep drifts. Over the past decade no extreme weather events such as prolonged fog, frost, blizzards and wind storms are recorded.
Anthropogenic impact on climate in Sofia has no analog Bulgaria. Almost half of the area of the Sofia field is strongly modified by the business, leading to changes in most weather elements and the formation of so-called "Urban climate". At the same time the typical urban "terrain" of the builded areas influence the direction and the speed of the wind.
Sunshine duration in Sofia is about 2020 hours per year. Absolute humidity in the annual course of temperature is highest in the summer and the lowest in winter. The average annual temperature in Sofia is 9.8 °C. coldest is January (-1.3 °C) and warmest - August (20 °C). Over the past 2 decades have been seen three significant trend of increasing absolute minimum temperatures. Mists are a typical phenomenon for the Sofia valley. The number of foggy days is an average of 30 per year. Fogs are most common during the cold season. "The island" of heat in the city center leads to a decrease in the number of foggy days, compared with rural areas.
The average annual rainfall in the city and adjacent areas are about 550 to 600 mm. Much of the rainfall in April (partly in May) are from snow. Summer rainfall is greatest and represent 30-35% of the annual precipitation amount. In recent years there has been a notable trend towards reduction in annual rainfall, especially in the surrounding mountains. Typical phenomenon of Sofia and the surrounding area is the formation of discontinuous snow cover in winter. On average, about 50 to 60 are the days with snow cover.
Wind direction is influenced by both the characteristics of the atmospheric circulation and the height and direction of extension of the surrounding mountains. Most frequently are the northwest and the west winds, followed by eastern winds. Most often blow north and south winds, due to the influence of the Balkan and Vitosha. Strong winds (generally northwest or south) in Sofia occur most often in spring and winter, the maximum measured speed is 36 m / s.
  • Soil
In plain and hilly-mountainous part of the Sofia valley formed 13 soil types. Sofia field is occupied mainly by cinnamon forest soils. They are formed on various soil forming materials (sandstone, andesite, limestone, etc.)
Most common in mountainous areas are brown forest soils. They are formed exclusively under the influence of forest vegetation in conditions of high rainfall. Soil forming materials are mainly non-carbonate rocks - granite, sandstone, shale, granite. These sandy soils have slight mechanical structure and are often shallow profile. Typical of them is the high filtration and low water holding capacity.
Leached Chernozem-Smolnitza soils are distributed in the same areas in which they are distributed and cinnamon forest soils. They are formed on poorly drained areas where due to higher humidity has developed meadow and meadow-marsh vegetation, which is the reason for the formation of a thick humus layer. Vertisols are characterized by good fertility, especially in years with a spring-summer drought due to the clay composition, which is due to their high water holding capacity. On the terraces of the rivers that flow through the site are formed alluvial and diluvial soils. Composition are sandy clay. These are the fertile soil in which to obtain high yields of agricultural crops.
  • Flora
In lowland areas of Sofia valley has herbaceous species as Chrysopogon gryllus (L.), Dichanthium ischaemum (L.), Poa bulbosa (L.) Potentila spp., Dichanthium ischaemum, Festuca spp., Trifolium spp. and others. In these formations are often found individuals of trees and bushes that are remnants of once-existing forest and shrubland. The formation of Dichanthium ischaemum occupies large areas - mainly the eroded areas. Those herbaceous formations have occurred secondary to the site, ever existed and destroyed forest and shrub formations.
More often found are Quercus petraea (Mattuschka), Quercus cerris (L.), Crataegus monogyna (Jacq.), Quercus frainetto (Ten.), Quercus pubescens (Willd.), Paliurus spina-christi (Mill.), Carpinus betulus (L.), Populus tremula (L.), Fagus sylvativa (L.), and others.
The lowest areas of the region around the river are occupied by wetland grasses - mainly cereals, pulses and raznotrevie. More widespread are Dactylis glomerata (L.), Trifolium repens (L.), Trifolium pratense (L.), Polygonum hydropiper (L.), Poa pratensis (L.) and others. Limited distribution in some lower forms of relief have meadow marsh and swamp vegetation. In some places are distributed willows and poplars, while others are planted with Robinia pseudoacacia (L.).
  • Fauna
It is represented by a small number of species. The natural and artificial water bodies are dominated by the fishes Carassius carassius (Nisson), Carassius gibelio (Bloch), Cyprinus carpio (L.), Sander lucioperca (L.), Tinca tinca (L.) and Gobio gobio (L.). Of the amphibians can be found Bombina variegata (L.), Rana ridibunda (Pallas) and rarely Salamandra salamandra (L.). Small numbers of rodents are represented mainly by Microtus arvalis (Pallas), and from the hunting mammals - Lepus europaeus (Pallas).
It was found that over Sofia and its surroundings migrate, nest or winter around 310 species of birds. Dominated by birds belonging to the fauna of cold, temperate and subtropical climate zones of Eurasia. Ornithologist's researches shows an intensive night flight over Sofia. Identified are Nycticorax nycticorax (L.) and Ardea cinerea (L.), Vanellus vanellus (L.), Apus apus (L.), Cuculus canorus (L.), Turdus iliacus (L.), Erithacus rubecula (L.); of thr Arctic species - Gavia spp., Cygnus cygnus (L.), Branta ruficollis (Pallas), Anser erythropus (L.) and Anser albifrons (Scopoli), Aythya ferina (L.) and Aythya marila (L.), Buteo lagopus (Potoppidan), Pluvialis squatarola (L.), Crocethia alba (Pallas), Calidris spp., Tringa spp., Plectrophenax nivalis (L.). The vicinity of Sofia are kind of migratory crossroads and dining and recreation for Fam. Laridaea, although the area of their main habitat is the beach.
Living settlements domestic pigeons are also typical long-distance migrations. In Sofia appear birds ringed in Hungary, Germany, Italy and other countries. As a result of the increase in urbanization of Sofia and its surroundings some birds have left the city. Such as Ciconia nigra (L.), Caprimulgus europaeus (L.) and Cinclus cinclus (L.). The same fate had Ciconia ciconia (L.), Galerida cristata (L.), Hirundo rustica (L.).

  • Cultural features
Cultural features are yet to be developed in the territory. This site will provide such features as well to the residents of "Mladost" as to thosе that can use the metro. This area has a good potential for developing educational, cultural and commercial functionalities.
  • Overall character
    • Neglected area with great potential for the community and the nature.
    • Two tiny rivers pass through the site.
    • A little forest formation around the river banks and in the south part of the site.
    • There is an electrical substation in the borders.
    • Surrounded almost completely from residential area, business area and transport communications.
    • Ecological corridor to Natural Park "Vitosha"
    • Connetcted with two metro stations of the M1 diameter.
    • Poor biodevirsity.
    • The plants are represented by Populus nigra, Salix fragilis, Clematis vitalba, Prunus cerasifera, Rosa canina and Sambucus nigra.
  • History and dynamics
    • The development of the park is held after the political changes in 1989 and until now no big success was made in expropriation of the properties.
    • One of the four parks in Sofia, which are the spine of the green system of the capital.

The Sofia valley is occupied almost entirely by urban and agricultural landscapes. The valley is bordered by forest landscapes, most of which have mountain character.

    • Natural Park "Vitosha" is only 3.7 km away from the site and they are joined together by "Dragalevski livada" (also is a ecological joint of the Natural Park).

  • Overall character of Natural Park "Vitosha"
As a result of active conservation activities of the Union to protect our nature and travel companies in 1934 was declared National Park "Vitosha" - the first in Bulgaria and in the Balkans. He included only 6410 ha - 23% of the area of the mountain in the upper portion, which was state-owned. After a number of changes to the park today, itcovers almost all the mountain and has an area of 26 606,6 ha, of which the territorial scope of capital fall about half. This park is included in the UN List of national parks and equivalent reserves. in the Protected Areas Act of 1998 National Park "Vitosha" is categorized as Natural Park "Vitosha".
    • Natural park Vitosha falls under the directives of Natura 2000 (BG 0000113) for habitats and for birds.
    • Subjects to conservation area 31 natural habitats, 13 mammals, 50 birds, 2 amphibious, 5 fishes, 15 invertebrates and 4 plants.
    • On the territory of Vitosha are established about 1500 species of vascular plants, which is nearly 50% of all described in Bulgaria. Among them there are 24 Bulgarian and Balkan endemics and 52 species listed in the Red Book of Bulgaria.
    • The biodiversity in the mountain is huge. Vitosha is an island of biological diversity which we are trying to connect to city as much as possible as safe as possible for the nature itself.

Analytical drawings

Green Infrastructure benefits for this site

The project is looking to achieve the following goals:

  • Reduction of noise, heat and CO2 in the area of the future extension of "Andrei Saharov" str. and E871/E79 highway. Vegetation and geoplastic elements will reduce these negative effects.
  • Eco-ducts will provide movement of wildlife (not only birds) from the natural park and back.
  • Retail facilities will be provided near the subway stations and around the focal point. They are supposed to provide income for the maintenance of the park.
  • Recreation elements will be designed to satisfy the needs of the visitors for relaxation and everyday needs of "green therapy".
  • Within the Focal points of the park will be developed retail, sport, physical activitie and playground elements. The pavement will generate renewable energy by the so-called Solar Roadways. Along with that the biodiversity will be increased by vegetative planting, which will draw more species from the fauna to the park.
  • The power substation needs to be obscured by vegetation. This is mainly from safe and aesthetic reasons.
  • The river banks will be developed to propose recreation values and to draw birds and wildlife to them.
  • Community gardens with vegetables and fruit trees are provided to establish income, education and community values.
  • The purpose of the nursery is to provide the park with some of the species needed for the construction of the park. Also to its maintenance. Educational functions can be implemented.
  • Research and educational center will provide more information about the project and the biodiversity it contains.

Potential for multifunctionality

East park as a green infrastructure achieves the following goals:

  • economic values:

Income will be generated through the retail facilities, the research center and the community garden. The energy generated by the "solar roadways" and the production of the nursery will decrease some of the espensens.

  • society values:

The community will have the opportunity to develop higher environmental knowledge. Sport and recreation places will draw the people to engage into one healthier communication.

  • environment values:

The biodiversity will be increased by planting a lot of plant species. Other goals of this vegetation is to draw birds and wildlife to feel comfortable and show themself to the visitors. Also to reduce the heat of the bare fields, to stop erosion and to increase C02 sequestration.
Creating greenway for the migration of land animals and to ensure the safe migration of birds through the capital and to those that nest in natural park Vitosha.

Projective drawings

  • How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
    • First of all new entity needs to be created for managing the problem with the landowners. The private land that are in the area of the park can be bought by investors and given to the government as a donation.
    • As for the first years of the project I would like to see the eco-ducts and GEO-plastic formations implemented in the site. Also vertical planning, the pathways and the playgrounds to be ready to use.
    • Coniferous vegetation have to be planted first considering their physiological character - slow growth.
    • The nursery is crucial in the early stages of development of the park. It will provide a lot of the shrub species and some of the fast growing tree plants. The community garden is also important to be implement as early as possible.
    • The educational and research center will give a lot of information about the goals and the needs of the park. Will increase involvement of the community, environmental organisations, schools and to investors.
  • And how could it look like in 10-15 years?
    • My vision of the park is to provide place where the community increase its mental and physical health, to promote higher environmental culture. I would like to see place where people can observe wildlife in their natural habitat within the place they live.
    • The plants will attract all the bird species that can be observed over Sofia (near 300) and even some of them that left the capital (in terms of habitat).
    • Sport and playground facilities to promote active movement.
    • To show a working example of green infrastructure and the efficiency of the approach.

Summary and conclusion

  • 100 words approx.

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  • Documents:
    • Kovachev A. "The green system of Sofia", Sofia, 2005; Pensoft Publishers
    • Stapleton development plan

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