Green Infrastructure 2014 Group A - Case Study 3

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Development of CRB Hill and surroundings

Name 'Development of CRB Hill and surroundings
Country Bangladesh
City Chittagong
Authors Natasha Tourin
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Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

Please explain in short why this site has green infrastructure potential and what makes it special (150 words approx)

Central Railway Building –CRB is situated in the scenic hilly area of Chittagong. It is the oldest building of Chittagong acting as a Governing office for the General Manager of Bangladesh Railway established in 1872. There is a hospital and residential buildings for railway officers surrounding it. It is the only open spaces in Chittagong where people always come to have a walk or have a chat with others, young people come here to lollygag, children from nearer place playing here. But one’s activities hinder another’s as this space is not shaped in a planned way. As a luck of open spaces, this space also perform as a venue of cultural program in “BANGLA NOBOBARSHA” (Bangla new year). This space also has a negative impact on society as it becomes silent at night without having proper activities and turned into a crime zone.

One open spaces in the city having lots of activities has a great opportunity for GI planning and its very challenging too. It should have development considering the social and cultural aspects.

Author's perspective

what is your professional/educational background and your relation to the site?

I completed my bachelor in Architecture in 2008. Until 1st half of 2014,I worked in a consulting firm as an architect. Now I enrolled in IMLA program. Chittagong is my home town. Its a very beautiful city having all natural features like hills, river, sea , lake. But it losing its glory day by day because of proper awareness of people and without maintenance .CRB hill is a very beautiful place in the city center and this space needs more care. Being an architect and in near future will be a Landscape Architect ,I have my desire to implement my knowledge in the betterment of my city.

Landscape and/or urban context of your case

  • Biogeography, cultural features, overall character, history and dynamics
  • Illustrations: maps; sketches; short descriptive analyses

Chittagong is the second largest city and main seaport of Bangladesh. Chittagong is very different in terms of topography as the city is the part of hilly region. Central Railway Building one of the most old building built in British Colonial time. Now it’s act as a Headquarter of Bangladesh Railway.It is nice attractive huge building made of red bricks. The surroundings area is a quite place.At the opposite side of the CRB building, there is a Cardiac Hospital ,also there is an old rail steam engine for dipaly. The.The site is bounded with of rain trees and banyan trees and consists of medium to high elevation area. CRB building is in 136 feet high. Seven roads from different parts of the city meet in this site. And the junction area called “Shat raster matha” (Head of seven roads).At the south west of the site there is a CNG station and a large field where every year International Trade Fair take place.And at the north east,there is an only stadium of the city.

Analytical drawings

  • Please use analytical drawing for visualising the conflicts/potentials of your site

Green Infrastructure benefits for this site

.Look again at the multiple benefits of green infrastructure - what could be achieved in your site and which are most relevant?

By implementing GI, this site will be benefited by environmentally, socially, economically and culturally. GI will improve the whole environment of the site adopting water management system, proper drainage system. Improving pedestrian connection, providing new bicycle track, creating open spaces will improve people’s gathering in this site as well improve social interaction. As many people gather in this place, as many business opportunity will grow. This will help the economy. By designing a amphitheater in a small scale will enhance people’s cultural activities.

Potential for multifunctionality

Green infrastructure has typically multiple functions. What could be achieved for your site in this respect?

This site is the junction point of seven roads coming from different parts of the city. And also has multifunctional structure in it like hospital, railway office and recreational space. People will come in this space with multiple objectives. Hospital patients will have better environment and it’s also improve their mental health. People from neighborhood can have their morning or evening walk here or can do cycle ling which will improves their physical health as well as mental health. Office people enjoying coming to this place. Better working environment will improve working capacity. Children form neighboring area will get enough spaces for play. The place becomes dead at night so solar powered lighting source may change it also a night time public place. Few mobile shops gather around here time to time and there are some semi permanent shops are also present here which serves amenities to the people which can be designed in a suitable way.The old railway building can also be a part of city tour as it is a brilliant peace of colonial structure. This place is also used as Bengali New Year fair and cultural programs although there is no proper planned stage or other necessary facilities. Public toilet is also a very thing that needed here as well as some proper dustbin. In some places the very old retaining walls are decoying which are seriously needed repairmen or new built one.

Projective drawings

  • How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
    • you may add a short explanation here
  • And how could it look like in 10-15 years?
    • you may add a short explanation here

Summary and conclusion

  • 100 words approx.

My vision is to create some positive changes with as less intervention of masses and structures as possible to preserve its natural quality. There are lots of activities around here of different type and ages of people which is not connected by proper planning. The design proposal will consider these activities and make suggestions based on the present condition.This site has much more potential for GI and by implementing GI, the site can be turn into a more developed, healthy and attractive space for city people.

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