Future Landscapes Group 3

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Case Studies

Case Study Clemson 3

Case Study Nürtingen 1

Core Questions

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In how far does this project reveal your concept of future landscapes?


 category=Future Landscapes Group 3 Case Study
 include = #Core Question 1: In how far does this project reveal your concept of future landscapes?


What is the role of landscape architecture in this project?


 category=Future Landscapes Group 3 Case Study
 include = #Core Question 2: What is the role of landscape architecture in this project?


Comparative Analysis

Which major similarities and differences could you identify in those two case studies?


Synthesis and Outlook


Project Differences

There are differences between Buffalo Bayou and Highline project, that have to do mainly with the nature of both cities while Highline was an area in the city, Buffalo Bayou was a natural area but it was neglected.But there are important similarities, such as the both projects restructure the use of areas for the people. The idea of just pedestrian areas is not new but in both cases they are used at the maximum, promoting the use of areas exclusively for people.

Cases study

Both of the case studies show how an area can be re-used for better, the implementation of the selected projects shows how an abandoned area is possible, there is a difference of scale and a different landscape in both projects,in the case of Bayou, the most idea is that of a nature area that was already there can be used in the benefit of the population, in the case of Highline is the city which opens allows to a project like that be successful.

Future Landscape

These different projects are examples of how in the future landscapes in cities can evolve.This project is a good example for how to create multi-purpose, useful places with interdisciplinary work.


You can find the presentation slides by the Clemson 3 - Nürtingen 1 Group here.

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