Badab-e Surt - Iran

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Name Badab-e Surt
Place Mazandaran Province
Country Iran
Author(s) Negar, Haniyeh & Amirhoseein
World Heritage Landscape Heritage


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Why is this case relevant?

  • In this section you briefly explain why you have selected your site/are, why it is considered heritage and what is the cultural value (max 150 words)

Actually, the main reason for choosing this natural heritage in Iran is because of the importance of that among all the natural heritage which we have in Iran. This area was registered as the second significant natural heritage after Damavand mountains in Tehran, (Iran) in 2008. On the other hand this natural heritage is so much valuable and worthy because there are only 5 countries around the world which have such a unique and amazing landscape and totally this natural landscape is so rare and it is not a typical one that you see everywhere, but, regarding the cultural value of this area I should say that Badabe-Surt is as the second important saline water spring after Pamukkale in Turkey. It is so important to be said that this saline water spring has been formed over the last 1000 of years and it has been not created just 100 or 200 years ago. Consequently, it is so clear that such an important and amazing natural landscape heritage must be completely preserved and presented to the world.

Which idea of ‘design with nature’ guides the design concept of this site?

  • In this section you talk about the design concept of your area. Is it a highly maintained site, i.e. does the design with nature require intensive maintenance? Or does the site follow a more organic interpretation of nature? Which changes are expected if maintenance is missing?

Regarding the first related question in this part I should say that this landscape is not man-made so the concept of this area is completely natural but, among all the features of this landscape this heritage comprises a range of a stepped travertine terrace formations, and the Mineral Springs with different natural characteristics. One of the springs contains very salty water that gathers in a small natural pool which is water is so useful as a care for rheumatism and some type of skin disease. On the other hand, the second spring has a sour taste and is predominantly Orange due to the large iron oxide sediment at it outlet. As a whole, over the last 1000 of years the water from these two Springs emanating from the mountain range have combined and resulted in a number of orange-red and yellow colored pools shaped, as a naturally formed staircase. Before 2008 this area was not as popular as today but, after it was registered, many tourists are willing to visit here. During these last 10 years it has been perfectly preserved but, unfortunately some parts of Badabe-Surt many years ago were damaged and there were also other water Springs which dried and today there is this risk again that a similar event happen here in the alive part.

Which challenges is this landscape facing?

  • Here you discuss the types of negative impact you are observing but you can also mention new functions that could give a development opportunity
 Negative Impact
  • Lack of proper a management in Badabe-Surt as the second registered natural heritage in Iran.
  • Lack of comprehensive instructions regarding natural heritage`s value.
  • Not given enough information and instruction to the students at school.
  • Ruined natural steps and dried fountains by walking on them.
  • illegal well drilling around Badabe-Surt.
  • Apart from human interference, drought and global warming has created water shortage which all these factors have put Badabe-Surt under pressure.
 New Functions
  • Having an appropriate management.
  • Instruct and learn people especially students at school in a comprehensive level about the high value of our natural heritages and make them aware of how

important are our natural heritages and with right behavior and a sense of responsibility against these values we can protect them for the next generation.

  • By setting up information desks in the site and preparing brochures and catalogs with proper sings should be given to the visitors and tourist by leaders.
  • Planting and vegetation in such area with it`s specifications should be considered. Because, with regard to the geographical location and climate of the

site some type of vegetation can have negative impact on the landscape that can be solved by getting consult of landscape architects and agriculturist regarding this issue and prevent from anything that can lead to annihilation the natural heritage.

What would be your strategy for improvement?

Finally, please share some ideas of how you would initiate positive change for your heritage area

  • Not allowing visitors and tourists to come onto the natural steps landscape.
  • Having guidance / information desks / signs / catalogs
  • Repairing and reviving damaged parts and conserve them for future generation
  • Right decisions regarding applying new changes such as adding new planting, vegetation in surroundings

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