Landscape Democracy 2015 Working Group E - Case Study 3

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The Pluit Reservoir Revitalization Project: INNOVATIVE FOR THE INITIATIVE

Place name The Pluit Reservoir Revitalization Project
Location Jakarta
Country Indonesia
Author(s) Gabriella Lazuardi

Rationale: Why have you chosen this case for the landscape and democracy seminar?

The Pluit Reservoir Revitalization Project in the area of Penjaringan, North Jakarta is the first government project of Jakarta Municipality, in the era of Ir. Joko Widodo, Governor of Jakarta in the year of 2012 to 2014, which aims to support overcoming floods that occurred during the last decade. The main purpose of this project is to restore the capacity of reservoir in order to be able to mitigate the current conditions of annually flooding and also possible for 25 year return period.

For several years, almost 15.000 legal and illegal households currently settled and built temporary unfeasible housing on the reservoir banks and prone to repeated flooding. Within this situation, the government was challenge to relocate the squatters without harassing their human rights so that the physical improvements could be done. This project is innovative and a democratic leadership with personal approach was the crucial point, also it is integral that social and economic benefits are gained through the development of this project.

In terms of democracy context, the government's approach to actualize the restoration of reservoir function in parallel with the right of citizen will be an interesting case study to be discovered. Besides, this project has become a pioneer to be an inspiration to another project of Jakarta Municipality both for now and in the future.

Representation of your observations





What are the major challenges for changing the situation?

The major problem is the residents with thousands of illegal houses were reluctant to resettlement. Although the government already offered a solution, they will provide proper subsidized apartments in order that these households may maintain their social and economic activities. Besides, low-cost housing which are provided by the government located far away from their earlier residence.

Long negotiation process with citizens were taken, inherent with involving many stakeholders. Local community leaders were approached in person and invited to talk and discuss with the Governor so that the communication could be actively in two ways direction. With some personal approach, is to make a clear explanation that inhabitants would have better living environments as they are less vulnerable to flood risk and related health problems.

On the other side, the government still have another task to engage support for financing this project. The public-private partnership (PPP) scheme has been implemented at the Pluit Reservoir Revitalization Project in which the private companies that hold property development permits are obliged to participate in the project under the cross-subsidy scheme.

What could be a starting point for democractically-based change?

The reason why this project become a pioneer for the others is that it came up with brilliant ideas, which is never exist in the former governance. The main concept is what they called it “Innovative for The Initiative”.

Over 20 years, it was a complicated problem to relocate the squatters with protractedly process of debates and argumentation. But the government change their strategies. The key to overcoming this barrier was that the Governor himself directly came and consoled the people, listened to their problems, listened to their aspirations and communicated frequently. He also, with his strong leadership influence, at the same time gathered participation from the private sectors to donate attractive furniture for the new housing, make a clear explanation and persuade citizen to understand how important for them to maintain the reservoir area.

At first, most of people showed their significant resistance and would not cooperate with the government. Some requested for a very high and irrational compensation while others demanded their rights to stay there as they had been living there for 20 years. By the end, the significant resistance disappeared and this project became an inspiration to other projects, both for this city itself, and also for the other cities.

Stakeholder Mapping

Create a visual representation of the stakeholder groups that are involved in your case. Try to cover the following aspects in your representation: Power (high, medium, low) / Support (positive, neutral, negative)/ Influence (high or low)/ Need (strong, medium, weak)+ also map the relationships between the stakeholder groups

Change Scenario

Look at the various methods and tools available and think how they can be applied creatively. Think about the needs of different stakeholder groups - you may need a methodical mix to address them all. Visualize a scenario illustrating how these methods/tools can be applied within an imagined time frame

Cross cutting theme

Identify a cross-cutting theme/topic between the cases of your group and write a short reflection on it (approx. 150 words)

Concluding reflections

Reflect on your case and your change model. Potentials? Limitations? (approx. 150 words)


The Pluit Reservoir Revitalization Project: (Socially-Inclusive Coastal Protection Today and for 2030. (2014). Retrieved from

Toward Sustainable Green Growth Jakarta. (2014, October 15). Retrieved from

Jakarta: The Pluit Reservoir Revitalization Project: (Socially-Inclusive Coastal Protection Today and for 2030(Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Jakarta). Retrieved from

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