Planting Design 2013 - Working Group 27
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Dear working group members. This is your group page and you will be completing the template gradually as we move through the seminar. Each member has an individual page for documenting his/her personal case. Good luck and enjoy your collaboration!
Assignment 2 - Lecture Concept Map
- The list with the group distribution shows you which lecture your group is supposed to document in the concept map format.
- Please add your collaborative concept map here by replacing the dummy image. Your map needs to have a new file name:
Assignment 3 - Images of Nature in your Environment
- Assigned: Wednesday, October 30
- Due: Tuesday, December 3
An 'image of nature' can be any planting design or vegetation structure. It might be on a local scale in your direct vicinity or be a part of a wider landscape structure. Each group member finds an individual page here that links to a template. You can use this template for documenting your case.
Case Study A
Case Study B
Case Study C
Case Study D
Presentation Slides Assignment 3
Assignment 4 - Collaborative Planting Design
- Assigned: Wednesday, December 4
- Due: Tuesday, January 21
Collaborative Design Working Group 27
Presentation Slides Collaborative Design
The Liban Quarry is one of the most forgotten places in Kraków-Poland, this place is remembered for the victims of the Nazi labor camp that operated there during Kraków’s occupation (World War II); within the time The Liban Quarry become slowly a nature sanctuary for different kind of birds like (waterfowl, birds of prey, pheasants) and other creatures. The landscape of the place contains incredible limestone cliffs, ponds and dense vegetation.
• Water and Entrance The accessibility is related to the changes in the level of the water that may change within 1m, in spring for example, the melting snow make that the level of the water change extremely and make the area less accessible. Is really interesting that there is not only seasonal water level change but also in time (Change in water level through years), there was almost now water, so with each year the water area has been increasing.
• Vegetation It is important to know that there are no invasive species in quarry, there are pioneer species (Plants with higher ability to survive in more extreme conditions and thus take first disturbed areas like quarries and they create base for different plants to come later). The invasive species are Black Locust, Ash-leaf Maple, Solidago that are growing in dry years, thus water limit their spreading in quarry.
• Biodiversity The Liban quarry is isolated from other wetlands especially ones that have higher biodiversity (because of typography, urban environment, traffic lines and others), also, there are some bird species that stay in this area, so they contribute to changes in species in some extent (for ex. Bittern that is one under protection).
All the projective drawings start in the concept that the “Liban Quarry” has historical, cultural, important and also a big importance in terms on biotypes and species.
1. History restoration park zone, ecosystem preservation:
• A small museum for understanding the history of the area (Nazi’s history)
• Park areas for visitors.
2. Entertainment, Nature Park:
Redesigning of this area for the public, as a historical park need to take care of its past history and also target people of different age. to redesign this area into 1) Historical park 2) Natural Park 3) Fun Park 4) Water world 5) Rock climbing area and 6) Road.
3. Conservation, accessibility and information:
• Conservation and protection of the biotypes species and historical buildings.
• Improve the accessibility and connection inside of the area, for example with Float Bridge at the entrance.
• Information inside and outside of the area.
4. Plants introduction
• Introduction of plant species at various levels of the terrain land. Including xerothermic plant species.
• For different water levels in different parts of the site, plants of specific species to be introduced which helps the stability of the ecosystem for a longer period due to varying water levels.