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The historical area of Addiriyah offers a lot of potential for further uses. The fact that the government is planning to develop the area during the next years shows that the place is relevant for the community. One aim will be the support of social activities. This is in my opinion a very good approach.

We should mention, that Addiriyah is a UNESO World Heritage site, in particular the district TURAIF. MRRIYAH is an other district surrounding this WH site.(ED)

Keeping up activities and uses

Dear Dammam group,

First of all I have to say that I really like your drawings, they represent well the mood and the activities, and they have strong colours. I was not aware that this is UNESCO world heritage but apparently this vernacular urban structure is of great value. But as you are mentioning already, the crucial point will be to also preserve - or re-interprete- the uses and activities that are characterising the place. Do you have any information if the agricultrual uses are endangered? One big threat for all cultural heritage site is that they can become a theatre play of real life. Is the place highly frequented by tourists?