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Japanese Concepts Keikan and Fukei are refering to differents ways to experienced the landscape.

Fukei the most antique, refers to an intimate way to feel the landscape, not only associated to visual qualities, but also acoustic, in a frequent and every day language. It´s used in literature and arts, and refering to the traditional and cultural japanese landscape, considering natural and sacred elements as mountains, trees, flowers and temples. This point of view focuses on people and its relationship to the landscape. Therefore involves more comprehensive and complex meaning and psychological processes.

By the other hand Keikan, a recently reintroduced term based on the german translation of Landschaft, is basically associated to large visual qualities, and to a formal scientific and technical term. It´s frequently used in scientific literature for planning, natural sciences and politics. It refers principally to modern, artificial human - made elements, like cityscapes, or even virtual or fictious, like pictures and postcards. Here, the point of view focuses in more technical or vissual issues, being consider then more "objective".

The uruguayan concept of landcaspe -paisaje- we presented, shares many aspects with both of them, but specially with fukei, then is a polysemous constructo, but always emphasizing the human activity on the territory. We also establish the invisible connections between the cryptosystem and the etnosystems that emerge as the phenosystem.