Talk:Rural school of San Eduardo

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Dear Alejandra,

Thanks for the interesting historical impressions of your area. What is the ethnic constellation in this place - are there still descendants of the 'Mapuche' people? You are talking about the 'green desert' - so I guess this is highly intensive farming with few woodlands, large plots - does green energy production play a role here? Are the people you want to observe and study farm owners or employed - what is their social status and is there an interrelation with ethnicity?

Unfortunately, layer 3 is not readable, I hope you find the time to upload it in a higher resolution.

Best wishes


Dea Ellen, I will try to answer your questions

What is the ethnic constellation in this place - are there still descendants of the 'Mapuche' people?

After the Conquest of the Dessert (1880) mapuche people was pushed out from the land which was sold by the State to inmigrant european people or it was given to military people. Till today, mapuche descendants live in the city of Trenque Lauquen and in rural areas live mostly the descendant of inmigrant people and creoles, which are people descendant from an mix of indigenous and spanish. They were devoted to cattle production, they were and are very good horse riders (some kind of argentinean way of american western cowboys called gauchos)

You are talking about the 'green desert' - so I guess this is highly intensive farming with few woodlands, large plots - does green energy production play a role here?

Yes, in the area agricultural production is very intensive, in large farms, and it is specially devoted to the production of soybean to be exported to feed european and chinese animals. The soybean production has pushed out cattle production and other crops.

Are the people you want to observe and study farm owners or employed - what is their social status and is there an interrelation with ethnicity?

I want to study and observe both. In general, farm owners are european descendants that arrived to Argentina one century ago and do not live in the famr. Employed people could be of the same origin than farm owners or could be a creole known as "gauchos".

People devoted to cattle or horse production live in the farm and people devoted to agriculture in generall ive in the city and are not employed of the farm, they give a service and go to many different farms.