Talk:Planting Design 2013 - Working Group 4

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FEEDBACK From Group 23

The cases were presented in clear way and all issues were considered. The organization of presentation was appropriate. Also all sites are very different as well as approach, because participants were from different disciplines, so it was interesting to see these variations . They brought out clear problems that exist and explained they approach how to solve them. It was not so clear what was the relation between nature and culture in second case and also it’s was a little bit too long.

Case Study A Stadionbranche Hardtum Zurich- Switzerland

The analysis is really interesting, because it explains the project and also is trying to find the answer to a personal question. The idea of look the case from a social and a botanical perspective is ideal for the type of project, but we find that the work does not have a clear development of the social perspective. The analytical drawings show clearly, which is the urban, vegetation, deficits and potential of the proyect, also the projective drawings. We suggest a final summery and the conclusions of the initial idea about the gardening, the re-greening and the “exact opposite side that shows The Stadionsbrache…” that express the text at the beginning: Why is this case interesting?.

Case Study B The project Capcalera Urban Park Valencia-Spain

The landscape is developed after the floods in Valencia to change the course of the river. And the case is interesting because the person aims at expanding the park by which the old and the new riverbed can be linked. This is quite interesting as it aims at bringing the interaction of urban areas with the environment too. But as per the map showing the existing sites, the park lies near the old Turia river bed with green belt which extends till the sea, my question is that since it's a very large city and is completely covered with buildings, how is the connection of these two environments going to possible in the future? And since there are no further drawings of analysis of the project it's difficult to understand how the further course of the project flow is directed towards the design. So the idea is good regarding creating a connection between ecosystems and urban areas but the explanations of the design processes are needed.

Case Study C Botanical Garden

The case is really interesting as this project tries to maintain equilibrium relation between conserving rare species collected from around the world and at the same time open this Garden for the local public as a park for providing them information about trees on one hand and as a place of recreation on another hand.So this park serves as a Botanical Garden and Beautiful Landscape Park. Problem If the main objective of this project areas is to conserve rare species then it requires minimum pruning and thinning activities as to maintain the species in its natural stage. But it makes the landscape more wild.This project can be successful in case if the main objective is Landscape beauty with rare indigenous and exotic species.Problem can arise with invasive species, which spread widely within short period of time, so care should be done while introducing species in the park with carefully analyzing plant requirements like temperature, soil, moisture, altitude, site condition, etc. So for a beautiful landscape, future plan can include planting similar tree species (broad leaf or coniferous or deciduous or evergreen) in an area and supporting its beauty with beautiful flowers.