Talk:Planting Design 2013 - Working Group 20

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Feedback to Group 20

Case Study A - Andreia Oshiro Gama

Cerro Campanario Lookout - Interaction between City, National Park and Users

The lookout on the top of "Cerro Campanario" is apparently a very important location which offers a special over view of the city and the National Park. It’s interesting the reflection about the changes on the landscape by the city developments and the use of local and non-local species, and how it could change the natural perception of the Park. Although we cannot see on the maps presented exactly how the city is related with its context today, it is interesting the comparison between the 2 possible scenarios. It shows a great advantage and benefit by arranging the development of plots in bigger areas, following the topography and more integrated with the natural surroundings. However the analysis of anthropic planting and non-native species selection is not clear. Anyway the graphics are very clear and understandable.

Case Study B - Andra Spornic

Alameda Central Park in Santiago de Compostela

The case study is situated in the middle of the city, which makes it to be an important point of interest for the city. The park was designed in 19th century and is split into three areas, with the Hill of Oaks in the middle and it is separating the old city from the modern part. Subject issue of the analysis is relating to the three areas that do not match together, so her proposal is to transform the space for actual needs, in a natural way adnd to improve antic aspects of design. In the future she imagines a connection between the three paths that at the moment do not connect. The park was a good choice for analyzing and a problem that needs to be solved in order to improve its future use. The presentation helped to a better understanding of the concept design project, as Wiki page does not help much.

Case Study C - Masaki Ikeda

Orangerie's park: a new interpretation of Karlsaue

First of all, I did not know that there is such a famous park in Hessen, Germany until I read this case study. It is always good to know about a great landscape architecture in the current living areas. From the information of the page, this park was initiated in 1680. So this park is more than 300 years old and the local people preserve it as their symbol of the city. Having this kind of great landscape in the neighbor makes the people’s life delightful in their everyday life. It sounds unique the Baroque structure was the residential palace and in 1785 was redesigned as a landscape garden. And he explains that this park is a hybrid of the old baroque style and the typical English garden style. That makes people to want to visit there because of not only structure but also several thing worth to see. The thing I can put my opinion here is that even though he explain a lot of color of horticultural garden and the view of the park, he did not put any drawing on his page. If he could put additional those materials, it would be much better and easier to see what is actually there and to understand what he explain on this page. Visual material is always good to explain to the people who do not know the place or who do not have much information about it. He might change the google map point as well.