Talk:Planting Design 2013 - Working Group 16

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It’s a good design for the beach but you have to consider about the port. Creating a nice beach near a port that pollutes the water and makes noise could be problematic. You said it‘s a big problem that people are going to other places for a daytrip then the beach (and maybe swim) while they live 25m from the see away. Maybe it could work, for example, replacing the port or maybe changing the purpose of it? You have a challaging case!


Your case is very interesting. It’s a good basic for a project. We think that there is a need for some areas, places and structures for social conntact. The intervention isn’t that big and it could become a wonderful and functional place that attracts people. Good job!


You’v choosen the perfect example: „How should it be“. It’s a good “pattern” for those who comes from anather background than landscape architecture. It’s a good “theory becoming reality“ project. The different background is interesting. Green, natural, harmony, well-being, people, social contact (…) all at one place, designed by people for people, that lasts for 140 years!! It‘s really hard to make a landscape project that lasts so long. It’s not like architecture, steel and concrete. The material of landscape architects are changes every year! We like your noticing to all the small details! And you’re right! By improving them, they would fulfill that place. In general, I think, you made it very good!