General Help
On this page we will only explain some very basic editing topics. With this knowledge you will be able to use this WIKI effectively for the purpose of this project. However, if you have more specific questions you can always consult the MediaWiki homepage:
First step: Get registered
Get registered for this WIKI by clicking on login / create account in the top right corner. Please take care that you are always logged in when editing the WIKI. Otherwise your colleagues will not be able to identify additions or changes.
General characteristics of WIKI pages
- WIKIs are always divided into the actual page, a discussion related to it and the page's history. This division makes them ideal for collaborative production of texts.
- The page is where the actual text body is displayed. If you want to change the contents you will click "edit" and start adding text or images to the page. Do not forget to safe your changes!
- The discussion page allows for tracking the development of contents. People may add arguments for changes or just inform others about additions they have made. Please use this page actively when you work on a text with a group of people.
- The page's history keeps record of all changes that have been made on the page. In addition, comparisons between two versions are possible.
Structuring texts
WIKI syntax gives many options for structuring texts. If you add == before and after a heading your text will be structured automatically and the WIKI will also generate a table of contents. We will not repeat all options here because they are very well documented on the Wikimedia homepage.
More information:
Internal and external links
One bid advantage of WIKIs is the possibility of creating active links between internal and external information.
- Internal links are created with the "internal link" button in the editing tool bar. If you mark a heading with this tool a new page will be generated automatically. But you can also link to an existing page in the WIKI. Take care that the spelling of the page title is correct, otherwise the WIKI will not be able to find the page.
- External links are created by adding the respective internet address and marking it with the "external link" tool. Link titles can be written behind the internet address.
More about internal and external links:
Adding images
General aspects of images:
- The following image formats are applicable: JPG, PNG and GIF. If your image has a different format you would need to safe a copy as JPG, PNG or GIF beforehand.
- Image size: This WIKI operates with a limited server space. Please minimize your images before uploading. The maximum size should be 800x600px.
Adding images works in TWO steps:
- First: Go to the upload file link (toolbox, left side menu)and upload your image to the WIKI. Remember the file name of your image.
- Go back to the WIKI page where this images should be embedded. You can now click on the little image button and a tag like this will appear: [Image:Example.jpg]. You now add the file name of the image you have uploaded before. Capitalisation is important!
- For more comfortable image embedding you can also use the ImagePLus extension by clicking on the little icon in the second row of the editing tool bar.
- ImagePlus gives you many layout options such as positioning of images and thumbnails. Please make us of it.
Further information:
Adding other files
- It is possible to add PDF, PPT or Word Files to the WIKI but this is NOT the preferred option. WIKIs are essentially composed of text bodies (with images). Instead of adding files from other applications you should always try to embed this information (text and/or images) directly into the WIKI as explained above.
- However, if you really want to do it you have to proceed similarly as when adding an image. Upload to the file to the wiki first, then go back to your text, click on "File link" (the trumpet symbol) in the edit tool bar and add the respective file name to the tag "Media:Example.ogg"
Adding Google maps
This WIKI has a Google Maps extension activated which allows for easy integration of interactive maps. You may use this for localising images or plans of your reports. If you want to know how this works you may have a look at this webpage