Hirschgarten München, Germany

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by Asma

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Name Hirschgarten erweiterung (Deer garden expansion)"
Place Munich
Country Germany
Author(s) Realgruen landscape architects office
Completion Competition: 2007 - Drafting, 2007 to 2010: Construction
Client Aurelis Real Estore Gmbh&CO.KG
Project costs 6.46 Mio Euro
12 DSC 0293.JPG


Along the central axis of Munich between main station and train station Pasing created on former railway land new urban quarters between the growing areas, "On Deer Garden" in the east and the Nymphenburg castle district in the west is a large central public. Green space is produced through the north of the historic park "Deer Garden" and in the south of the planned rail habitat accompanying band, the "Pioneer Park". The frame of Green" is the deer yard expansion area of approximately 5.2 hectares with a further concurrent planning phase more concrete. The concept for the development was to mak a conection between Deer Garden(Fruit Garden) and the Pioneer Park, and also it has been provided with the facilities for all ages. Inter alia creates a Youth gaming device, with opportunities for noisy game. A major focus of the challenge lies not only in the Refinement of different functional areas within the planning area, but also in the definition of the transitions to the adjacent Planning areas. Another issue is the residential areas which have special requirements of green and open space design the City of Munich and which will use the new open green space.

Why is this case interesting?

This case is an example for a larg professional participation project and also the first price project in Munich City development palnning competition 2007.

Author's personal background

Klaus D. New man - 1976-1983: Study of the landscape architecture at the TU Munich, conclusion Dipl. Ing.TU

1984-1986: Collaboration with Dr. Werner Nohl, research project MAB – landscape aesthetics self-employed handlly as a landscape architect foundation office actually green - office for free space planning and landscape architecture

1992-2000 Professor at the HSR, university Rapperswil, CH

01/1999 partnership with wolf D.Auch Landscape architects&actually green

Member in the architect chamber Bavaria member of the BDLA, alliance of German landscape architects competition juries

Wolf D.Auch - 1984-1989: Study of the landscape architecture at the Technical College Wiesbaden, conclusion Dipl. Ing. Technical College

1989-1993: Activity as a landscape architect in the studio star and partner in Zurich self-employed handlly as a landscape architect

01/1993 collaboration with prof. Klaus D. New man office actually green, Munich

01/1999 partnership with Klaus D. Landscape architects actually green new man

Member in the architect chamber Bavaria member of the German of work alliance competition juries

Process Biography Scheme

Deer garden by asma Sahboon .jpg

Who initiated the project and why?

The City of Munich development planning& City away Conection have been initiated this project in year 2006 to find a good solution for making a conection and good integration between different functional areas such like deer garden as a historical garden and Pioneer park and new residential areas.which have special requirements of green and open space with high quality.

When was public participation most intensive?

It was not in this project public participation but professional participation and they were in planning and implemention phases most intensive.

Which participation tools have been applied?

They used Co.knowing (to collecting the formal and informl informtions) -Co.plannig (to adding the extra rquerment after the competition) and also Co.discustion (to get good solution to the development park) and Co.implemention (they have been maked exhbition for the concept and then festival for the fondition stone)

Which stakeholders have been involved?

landscape architects and gardeners and Construction engineers citizens have been involved in this project.

Have there been any festivities in order to involve the public?

Yes there have benn exhibition in comptition phase and festival in laying fonditiondal stone phase, but they were not to involve the public.

Who made the major decisions and when?

Prof.Neuman and Mr.Eng.Auch have been made the maost decisions in the competition phase and also in preparatory stage phase. cause the owner has been demanded to addition another requirement in this project. Major decisions have been made by Ministry of Transport and Building & Urban Development department.

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realgrün Landschaftsarchitekten Büro - Prof.Klaus-D. Neumann - Wolf D. Auch - Mariahilfstrasse 6- 81541 München