Interkultureller Generationenpark (Inter-cultural Generations Park) Dessau, Germany

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by Susanne

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Name Interkultureller Generationenpark
Place Dessau
Country Germany
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Completion 2010/ 2011
Client Please enter the client
Project costs Please enter the costs (if known)

Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

The foundation ‘Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau’ and the city council of Dessau – Roßlau created a new procedure ‘Planning in dialogues’ for this project. Therefore they invited 3 planning – teams. There was a direct confrontation with the ideas and wishes of the stakeholders. The results of the group meetings directly affected the first sketches of the planning – teams in the first public workshops. The participants themselves could also see, how the planners are working and could comment on the first sketches.

Author's personal background

Bachelor of Engineering in Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning in 2009 at Anhalt University of Applied Sciences. Bachelor Thesis: “Patterns für kreative Stadtmacher”. During the last three years student assistant at a Landscape Architecture office in Magdeburg.

Process Biography Scheme

Process biography example

Who initiated the project and why?

The project was initiated by the city council of Dessau-Roßlau and Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau (foundation). This city is situated in north east of Germany near Magdeburg, with a population of 88.693 people. The Park is situated in the center of the city Dessau.

When was public participation most intensive?

Public participation was an essential part of the planning process and the people were involved from the start until the implementation. As you can see in the process biography above, it was at the beginning most intensive - the time where the first sketches were developed until the final decision, which plan will developed further to rebuild this park. Later on there were and are still meetings between the stakeholders and other participants to organize a park manager, park councellor and events in summer.

Which participation tools have been applied?

There was a wide range of different tools. They used co – knowing tools (park newspaper, park website, exhibitions) as well as co – operating tools (opinion survey – workshops with mediation, creative sessions with children). The participation procedure was always accompanied by several festivities and a lot of events in the park – to make sure that the stakeholders are more and more interested, to increase the acceptance of this project and to initiate networking and a feeling of responsibility in the public for their own park of generations.

On which level of participation?

Which stakeholders have been involved?

People who wanted to participate were especially neighbors, citizens, representative of the housing associations around the park, property owner, clubs, contractors and initiatives. For the workshop they formed 7 groups: local residents, intercultural group 1 (mostly African people), intercultural group 2 (mostly Jewish people), children, clubs/ initiatives of Dessau, seniors, gastronomy/ commerce/ trade.

Have there been any festivities in order to involve the public?

It started with a public notice to collect old photographs of the park. And with the opening of this exhibition 2007 the first interest of people for this project woke up. Then there was the public notice, to participate to get to know the public opinion about wishes, conflicts, special places and memories of the park.

Who made the major decisions and when?

The federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development (BMVBS)and the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR)selected this project as a pilot project for the ExWoSt program(experimental house building and urban planning). A specialized jury evaluated one of the 3 teams, to continue the planning process at the final workshop in August 2007. The final concept ‘Masterplan’ was decided by the city council.

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