Landscape Democracy 2015 Working Group E - Case Study 1

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Place name Connection between linkeroever and Antwerp
Location Antwerp
Country Belgium
Author(s) Julian Kerremans

Rationale: Why have you chosen this case for the landscape and democracy seminar?

This essay will handle about the "BAM-tracé" in Antwerp in Belgium. this is an idea that the government and designers are working on to create a connection between “Linkeroever” and the centre of Antwerp. It is nessecary to create this so that Antwerp will be much better accessible, less trafic jams, …. . they plan to put these roads into tunnels so they can create more public spaces with parks.

But not everyone agrees with this plan and so there are several organisations that try to make clear to the government that not everyone is happy with this new development because it would create more noise disturbance, lots of fine dust, lots of traffic in a place where it is very nice and quiet ,…… These organisations are collecting signatures and looking support from the people so they can try to stop this project from going into the construction phase.

Representation of your observations

  • you are basically free to use one or a mix of different presentation techniques
  • possibilities are: analytical drawings, graphical representations, collages, video clips, comic/graphic novel, written essay/visual essay
  • please add any visual material to the gallery, videos can be placed below, you may add text as you like


What are the major challenges for changing the situation?

In this situation one of th emajor challenges are that the designers and politicians want to make a connection with the highway and the center of Antwerp. The concepts they have made all start from this big highway and will go through a veyr quite and peaceful area. They want to create a connection made of 19 lanes. this will create lots of noise, nature disturbance,..... This case isn't communicated with the people. When they found out about the plans of the city and the politicans the people started to organise to protest against these plans. the people who are against it even found a better solution like they did in Spain. The problem in this situation is that there is bad to none communication. This creates stress on both sides and a bad relationship.

What could be a starting point for democractically-based change?

  • Please add approx. 150 words for each questions


* Please make sure that you give proper references of all external resources used.

* Do not use images of which you do not hold the copyright.

* Please add internet links to other resources if necessary.

Image of Bam-Tracé: Image Macco-plan

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