Green Infrastructure 2014 Working Group B - Case Study 1

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Modlin Fortress and its surroundings as a GI potential area

Name Modlin Fortress
Country Poland
City Modlin (near Warsaw)
Authors Zuzanna Banaś

Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

Construction of the fortress in Modlin was initiated by Napoleon in 1806. Over the years, complex of buildings of the fortress has been extended and used for many military purposes. Currently The Fortress in Modlin doesn't have any important meaning for the army, most of the buildings are devastated and with every passing year the situation is getting worse. However, the complex has an important cultural aspect because it became a museum itself - there is a possibility of visiting the it with a guide.

Implementation of GI elements to the object can be interesting because of few reasons:

  • The area is situated at the confluence of two rivers, it's surrounded by many wetlands and natural areas under Natura 2000 program.
  • In 2012 in the direct neighbourhood of the fortress an international airport was opened. Construction and existence of this object and its infrastructure has a huge impact on the ecological situation in the entire area. The construction stage was connected to deforestation and destruction of natural habitats of many species, now in the area exists the probability of disorder of the hydrological situation (such as drying of wetlands), soil and water pollution, the problem of noise and artificial illumination. Minimizing the negative effects of the airport construction can be achieved by proper management and development of adjacent areas.
  • In 2013 Modlin Fortress has been bought by a private investor. The plans of renovation and adaptation buildings for new functions are already approved. The complex is supposed to become a "smart city", connecting together social, cultural and educational functions (residential zone, hotel, museum of fortress etc). In this case the huge necessity of including development of recreational and sport areas to these plans exists. What's more, for this moment in the city of Modlin (or even in bigger city located nearby) there is no urban park, providing functions mentioned above and other social and cultural benefits

Author's perspective

I have a bachelor in landscape architecture and I can appreciate the ecological meaning and value of nature, which is amazing in the area of Modlin Fortress and its surroundings. Also, as a person who likes to travel I have already become one of many users of the Modlin Airport, which clearly facilitates the air traffic in the Masovian region by relieving Warsaw Chopin Airport. Because of knowing the importance of both mentioned cases, working on integrating areas and providing cooperation between them is interesting to me, mostly thinking of the perspective of expanding urbanization in region.

Landscape and/or urban context of your case

  • Biogeography, cultural features, overall character, history and dynamics
  • Illustrations: maps; sketches; short descriptive analyses
  • Biogeography

The area is situated in Euro Siberian region, in East-Central Europe and from geomorphological point of view it's Middle European Plain, Masovian Lowland. It means, that the the relief of the terrain in this place is almost plain, rich in very developed river network. The medium altitude of the area is 127,6 m above the see level. Modlin is a district of Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, located in east-central Poland, in Masovian Province. The climate of Masovian lowland is transitional climate between maritime and continental climate. As a resoult in the region there is pretty high temperature amplitude (in a scale of year), mostly during the winter season (2°C to -2°C). In the summer the average temperature is balanced, around 18 °C - 18,5 °C. The atmospheric precipitation level here is the lowest in the country, and usually it's less than 500 mm during the year scale. Although soils here are rather poor- mostly podzols- nearby big rivers (so where Modlin Fortress is located) it's easy to find fertile alluvial soils. Despite the fact, that in most of Masovian area woods have been replaced by urban structures or transformed into Pinus monocultures, in the surroundings of Modlin still wilderness and various woods exist.

  • cultural features

Analytical drawings

  • Please use analytical drawing for visualising the conflicts/potentials of your site

Green Infrastructure benefits for this site

Look again at the multiple benefits of green infrastructure - what could be achieved in your site and which are most relevant?

Potential for multifunctionality

Green infrastructure has typically multiple functions. What could be achieved for your site in this respect?

Projective drawings

  • How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
    • you may add a short explanation here
  • And how could it look like in 10-15 years?
    • you may add a short explanation here

Summary and conclusion

  • 100 words approx.

Image Gallery

Please add further images/photos here


  • please add your references here

Wincenty Okołowicz: Strefy klimatyczne. W: Atlas geograficzny. [Oprac. red. Henryk Górski, Wanda Jędrzejewska ; red. map: Zofia Cukierska et al]. PPWK Warszawa, Wrocław 1990, Wydanie 23

Janusz Stasiak, Zbigniew Zaniewicz: Geografia. Vademecum maturalne. Wydawnictwo Pedagogiczne „Operon”, Gdynia cop. 2006.

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