Talk:Planting Design 2013 - Working Group 21

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Revision as of 15:23, 22 December 2013 by Hlouws58 (talk | contribs)
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Feedback case study A

Universidad Nacional de Colombia Based on wiki page

Rationale There is a lot described about the university, but it’s not clear why you choose this case and what’s the problem (maybe there isn’t, but then you should put that down). It may help if you describe more about the plantation of the case, that is missing.

Authors perspective I see that you are a former student of the university, but I miss the part where you describe your perspective, how you look at the case, what you think about it.

Context It’s good that you describe the context of the university and the plantation of the campus. This helps to get a view of the place. Is the university itself your case of the campus around the university? If it’s the last, I would describe what’s around the campus and not what’s in the campus.

Analytical drawings Your drawings seems catered, but it is easier to read if you give titles to the drawings. Drawing 1 – The picture is clear and understandable, but I don’t know what you want me to see there.. Drawing 2 - This is a very good drawing! It shows how much the plantation changed. The circles are very helpful to see this change! Drawing 3 - What do you want to say with this picture? How big the trees are? Drawing 4 – This map is very good to see the context of your case, and it is clear now what your case area is.

Projective drawings This is not present

Conclusion This is not present

Image gallery/ references -

Resume You have made a good start, but you should make clear what you want to do with this case, it does not come forward at Rationale, in your perspective or you analytical drawings.