Planting Design 2013 Working Group 24 - Case Study A

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Name Afforestation in Ca Mau, Vietnam
Location Ca Mau province
Country Vietnam
Author Le Trang Nguyen
Mekong Delta, An Giang Province, Vietnam.jpg

Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

Please give a short introduction to the site you have selected (not more than 150 words)

  • Ca Mau, the southernmost province of Vietnam, is one of the lowest land in the world (only 0.5 - 1.3m). During a course of time, this region has been featured by an extraordinary geological movement, historical and economic changes, and nowadays facing climate change as the land is being taken away by the sea level. This area critically belongs to Mekong Delta, which is named as the "rice basket" of Vietnam.
  • Afforestation is a strategy to develop scenarios to deal with environmental pollution, changing agricultural system, urbanization...and most of all, using forest urbanism as a scenario coping with flooding, submergence and soil salinity.
  • In Vietnam, we address these Mekong Delta provinces as the most agriculturally profitable areas. But this also suffers from poverty, lack of education, pollution and a lot of social/political issues. I spent time in Ca Mau just enough to see massive mangrove forests cover the southern tip of the country. And after taking the online seminar "Climate Change" within Fluswikien framework, I started realising that nature soon takes over our country. I believe cautiously interacting with nature, using plants as critical materials is the right key to solve this problem.

Author's perspective

I have been practicing architecture profession for five years, few of my old projects happened to related directly to landscape architecture. My interest in landscape design grew through time then I decided to take two year course at IMLA (International Master degree of Landscape Architecture) in Germany. I believe plants should be considered as the major materials for designing nowadays, in the context of climate changing and urban interspace complex. I am now aiming to graduate as a landscape architect and bring plants and green space into my later career, instead of concrete and glass as what I did before.

Landscape and/or urban context of your case

  • Biogeography, cultural features, overall character, history and dynamics
  • Illustration: Map; sketches; short descriptive analyses

Analytical drawings

Please add four analytical sketches/drawings (or montages/schemes) of your case and take the following aspects into account:

  • natural dynamic versus cultural framework - in how far do these two forces come together in your case?
  • dynamic through the year (you may imagine how the site looks in spring and summer, maybe you also remember it)
  • highlight potentials and problems

Projective drawings

  • Please add four projective sketches/drawings (or montages/schemes) for your case and take the following aspects into account:
    • How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
    • And how could it look like in 10-15 years?

Summary and conclusion

Please summarize your case and give arguments for your projective design (approx 150 words).

Image Gallery

You may add a series of images/photos in addition to the sketches/drawings


* Please make sure that you give proper references of all external resources used.

* Do not use images of which you do not hold the copyright.

* Please add internet links to other resources if necessary.

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