Planting Design 2013 Working Group 25 - Case Study A

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Vacaresti Lake ... another world

Name Vacaresti Lake
Location Bucharest
Country Romania
Authors Diana Culescu
Vacaresti first.jpeg
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Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

Vacaresti Lake is actually just a “hole” in the ground. It was born from the megalomaniac wish of a former dictator* to make Bucharest a port city to the Black Sea (over 200 km away). The dictator was overthrown, the project stopped, but Nature just went ahead. Now this so called lake - never filled with water - is hosting an amazing ecosystem that rivals with the Danube Delta [1].

There are but a few of Bucharest’s residents that venture inside “Vacaresti pit” and appreciate its beauty. For the rest of the inhabitants this is just a “bad” … “ugly” … “horrible” place next to the city center.

Recently, an article published in the National Geographic journal (The delta between blocks [2]) drew attention to this space and the political environment rushed to find solutions for this “problem”. The ideas range from wishing to transform this place into a natural reservation to making a picnic / barbecue place for all Bucharest. Whatever the intentions, Vacaresti Lake's future is still up for grabs.

* Nicolae Ceausescu was the President of Romania, between 1974 and 1989, during the communist period. His ambition generated a lot of gigantic projects. One of the most famous was “The House of People” (the Guiness Record-holder for the world's largest civilian building, most expensive administrative building and heaviest building [3]) placed in the “Civic Center” complex which crippled Bucharest. He also wanted to transform Bucharest in a port city for the Black Sea and ordered many interventions in this respect, one of them being Vacaresti Lake.

Author's perspective

My interest in this particular case is three folded ...

First of all this is one of the projects recurrent in my didactic activity as a tutor for a landscape architecture studio. The complexity of the site touches many issues (social values, environmental concerns, space perception, public interest infrastructure, urban space design, etc.) which recommends it as a great exercise for future professionals.

This site is also one of the focal points for my PhD thesis through which I aim to develop an analysis method for the quality of urban green spaces adapted on one hand for landscaped spaces (such as parks, public gardens, etc.) and on the other hand suitable also for urban spaces where nature's laws have been enforced (as it is the case for Vacaresti Lake). This subject is rather new for Romania who is doing doing its first steps toward landscape assessment and is very far from implementing landscape maintenance programs.

Ultimately, Lake Vacaresti is holding an important place in my childhood memories and is a significant part of the environment that I live in day by day and that I am interested of as every other concerned citizen.

Landscape and/or urban context of your case

  • Biogeography, cultural features, overall character, history and dynamics
  • Illustration: Map; sketches; short descriptive analyses

Analytical drawings

Projective drawings

  • Please add four projective sketches/drawings (or montages/schemes) for your case and take the following aspects into account:
    • How would you like this case to change in the near future? (in 1-2 years)
    • And how could it look like in 10-15 years?

Summary and conclusion

Please summarize your case and give arguments for your projective design (approx 150 words).

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External links

[1] Danube Delta -

[2] National Geographic article -

[3] Palace of Parliament (Bucharest - Romania) -

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