Group D - Collaborative Climate Adaption Project
Area | Aranjuez | |
Country | Spain | |
Topic | Effects of climate change and adaptation possibilities - case study from Aranjuez, Spain | |
Author(s) | Eduardo Casado Fernández, Fang Yi, Daniela Staykova | |
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Rationale: Why have you selected this case study area?
- Aranjuez is a town and lying 48 km south of Madrid in the southern part of the autonomous community of the Community of Madrid.
As of 2009, it has a population of 54,055. It is in the Wolrd Heritage List as Cultural Landscape. Climate change is affecting the massive Platanus x hispanica (more than 20-30 m high), the urban planning is also not so helpful, and there are also some other problems, they should be solved as soon as possible.
Authors' perspectives
- how can we use Landscape planing to improve the environment(to find a solution) for the trees
Landscape and/or urban context
- Biogeography, land use patterns, cultural features, overall character, history and dynamics
- ratio of green/blue and sealed/built-up areas
Illustration: Map; sketches; short descriptive analyses
Cultural/social/political context
- Brief explanation of culture, political economy, legal framework
Illustration: Bullet points, image, background notes
Local Climate
- What are the climatic conditions at present? Have there been extreme weather events in the near past?
- Which changes are expected? Is there any evidence?
Illustration: Table or time line
Analysis of vulnerability
- If you consider these potential changes - which aspects/functions of your case study would be affected?
Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches/photos/background notes
Proposals for Climate Change Adaption
- How could your case study area become more resilient to climate change?
- Which measures would need to be taken to adapt to the new situation?
- How could you assure sustainability of these measures?
- Please describe 2-3 measures
Proposals for Climate Change Mitigation
- Which measures would need to be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other drivers of climate change within your case study area?
- How could you assure sustainability of these measures?
- Please describe 2-3 measures
Your scenario
- How will this area look like in 2060?
- Please forecast one potential future development taking climate change into account
Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches photos and background notes
What can be generalized from this case study?
- Are there any important theoretical insights?
- Which research questions does it generate?
- Short statement plus background notes
Image Gallery
- Yourimage.jpg
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Please add literature, documentations and weblinks
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