Group F - Collaborative Climate Adaption Project

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Place Dhaka
Country Bangladesh
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Rationale: Why have you selected this case study area?

In Bangladesh, climate change is a matter of life and death. Climate change in Bangladesh is an extremely crucial issue and according to National Geographic, Bangladesh ranks first as the most vulnerable nation to the impacts of climate change in the coming decades. Bangladesh is the most vulnerable nation due to global climate change in the world according to German Watch’s Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) of 2011. Shortage of land to accommodate the people, food security, human health, illiteracy, and so forth. Dhaka is one of the ten mega-cities in the world. Growing at a very fast rate, the population of Dhaka urban area is predicted to increase to about 21 million by 2015 from the current population of 11.3 million. Dhaka’s rapid development, its fast-changing urban landscape and the associated critical environmental challenges call for holistic urban planning, strengthening of institutions responsible for urban development and good governance. Eventually, we decided to explore the most important problems, negative and positive impacts in this country.

Cultural/social/political context

  • Brief explanation of culture, political economy, legal framework

Illustration: Bullet points, image, background notes

Local Climate

  • What are the climatic conditions at present? Have there been extreme weather events in the near past?
  • Which changes are expected? Is there any evidence?

Illustration: Table or time line

Analysis of vulnerability

  • If you consider these potential changes - which aspects/functions of your case study would be affected?

Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches/photos/background notes

Proposals for Climate Change Adaption

  • How could your case study area become more resilient to climate change?
  • Which measures would need to be taken to adapt to the new situation?
  • How could you assure sustainability of these measures?
  • Please describe 2-3 measures

Proposals for Climate Change Mitigation

  • Which measures would need to be taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other drivers of climate change within your case study area?
  • How could you assure sustainability of these measures?
  • Please describe 2-3 measures

Your scenario

  • How will this area look like in 2060?
  • Please forecast one potential future development taking climate change into account

Illustration: Map/diagram/sketches photos and background notes

What can be generalized from this case study?

  • Are there any important theoretical insights?
  • Which research questions does it generate?
  • Short statement plus background notes

Image Gallery


Please add literature, documentations and weblinks

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