Local Parks in Modelia

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Local Parks in Residential Area: Modelia, Bogota

Name Local Parks in Modelia
Location Bogota
Country Colombia
Authors Victoria Solis Pauwels
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="4.6645" lon="-74.12467" type="terrain" zoom="15" width="300" height="250" scale="yes" controls="small">


Short Introduction to the Area of Study

Modelia is a residential neighborhood of Bogota, has two large and several small parks. These parks are free areas for recreation, meeting and community integration, covering the needs of neighborhoods. They are generically known as parks, green areas for parks or assignments, assignments were previously called type A. The case study will focus on the southern park that has as main feature the sport, here you can jog and exercise outdoors with many small squares and sports fields, playgrounds and lawns.

its perimeter is 833 meters and a total area of ​​16,126 square meters (1,61 Hectares)

Modelia es un barrio de clase media de la ciudad de Bogotá, perteneciente a la localidad de Fontibón . El barrio esta ubicado en la parte occidental de Bogotá. Originalmente construido por Fernando Mazuera alrededor de 1965, inició con un núcleo central de índole comercial que abarca unas 3 manzanas y un grupo de casas de dos plantas. El barrio se caracterizó inicialmente por la abundancia de parques y zonas verdes. En la actualidad comprende no solo la zona original de casas sino que ha integrado urbanizaciones con torres de apartamentos de mediana altura. El barrio se encuentra localizado en una zona de paso de aviones desde y hacia el Aeropuerto El Dorado motivo por el cual hay mucha contaminación acústica. Adicionalmente, la Avenida de La Esperanza cruza el barrio, lo cual conlleva una gran cantidad de tráfico y de conversiones de viviendas a locales comerciales alrededor del paso de la avenida. En este barrio también abundan las zonas de parques y de espacios entre casas llenos de árboles y mucha vegetación en casi todas sus partes.

Exercise 1: Sketching the Landscape

Time frame: October 25 - November 15, 2011

Student activities:

  • Creation of analytical drawings and sketches
  • Presentation of results

Please upload a selection of your drawings/sketches/mental maps and add them to the image gallery

Sketches and Drawings

Exercise 2: Landscape Layers

Time frame: November 15 - 29, 2011

  • Classical analysis: topography, open spaces, built, green, traffic and water structures on different layers. *Definition of zones with coherent character
  • Description of this character.

Please publish your findings here

Exercise 3: Behaviour Patterns

Time frame: December 6 - 20, 2011

  • How do people behave in this area? How do they use the space? What is important for them?
  • Observation of study area, interviews with local people and mapping of use patterns.
  • Preparation of short presentation

Please publish your findings here

Exercise 4: Communication Concepts

Time frame: December 19, 2011 - January 17, 2012

  • Based on the different landscape assessment approaches students will develop a communication concept for their area of study
  • Which measures would be necessary for enhancing the awareness for the area?
  • Students are free to choose their method.

Please publish your findings here

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