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Back to Assignment 4: Landscape Concepts by country

Landscape Concept 1

by: Gabriel Seah


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English translation

Garden City to City in a Garden

Shortly after Singapore gained its independence in 1965, numerous visions for her development were proposed. Significantly relevant to the landscape development was the Garden City concept. Initiated by the former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew in 1968, it was a model that envisioned Singapore as a clean and green city. The idea of Garden City was in fact adopted from Sir Ebenezer Howard’s Garden city movement. Founded in 1898, it was a answer to reduce the hazards accumulated in urban expansion. Its concept emphasised on the balance of residences, industry and agriculture. However, the original plan was unsuitable for the small city so it was redefined to fit according to the context. Initially, the growth in Singapore was still viable by the formations of satellite cities surrounded by green belts. As the increase continues, there are simply no other ways the small city could develop according to the concept, which was planned for a population of only 250,000. Despite the unsuitability, most of the fundamental ideas were either kept or followed closely. Transportation system connects every new town, linking every town by trains and buses. The good balance of city lives emphasised in the concept is also taken as a model in the development of Singapore, providing social services, justice, work and amenities necessary for better life quality within the city infrastructure. Despite the scarce land, large area of Singapore was still allocated to nature reserve, covering an area of approximately 3,043 hectares in the middle of the island. During the early days of the movement, Singapore focused more on cleaning and greening of the space, which can be considered as more of a superficial treatment. A whole series of the green movement was set up to beautiful the Lion City. Roads and streets were all planted with vistas of green, parks were necessary community facilities in every neighbourhood and polluted rivers were also cleansed. Today, the Garden city has been redefined and renamed City in the Garden. The revised phrase was not just simply a change in theme but within, enclosed a philosophical idea for the future of Singapore. The new idea would see Singapore develop into a 3 dimensional sustainable city. It will not only grow horizontally but also vertically, merging layers of sustainable factors and environmental features into its infrastructure, changing the whole urban DNA. Today, the new movement is backed by numerous government agencies, each with its unique vision but a common goal of transforming Singapore into a City in a Garden.

Landscape Concept 2

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English translation

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