Talk:Assignment 4: Landscape Concepts in comparison

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Dear participants,

Please use this page as a forum if you have general questions concerning this assignment. Thank you!

Hi All!

I'm a little bit stuck with this literature looking, maybe you could help me. My questions are:

1. What type of literature exactly, should I look for?

I have already a poem what describes the "ideal" landscape of the era, it is idillic and romantic , but only describes a small segment of the country. It rather deals with the past, then with the future.

Then I have the definition of the landscape by the hungarian landscape architect profession. But that reflects only the bigger part of the landscape architect's opinion, other professions which also "constructing" the landscape don't agree with this definition. However that definition can be related to the concepts of future landscapes, because even today it is the "starting point" in the hungarian l.a. profession, education.

2. Should the literature be academic kind, or could I choose from other areas (for example as the poem mentioned above)?

Should I cite from Hungary's regional development concept? That exactly deals with the future of the hungarian landscape, but I think it's too large for the purpose, both in quantity and scale.

Or should I look for regulations?

3. Hungary is a small country, but even so it consist from many, totally different landscapes, so we can't tell it is just like this or that. Therefore each landscape is treated uniquely, and must be treated uniquely. But of course, there are general regulations, for example in the regional development concept, and as I mentioned, maybe too large. So which landscape should I choose?

Thanks, Balázs Dukai