Pictures of our Landscapes Clemson Group 2

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Authors: Beyza, Elise, Ginny, Susannah, Vineet




As part of a group brainstorming session, we focused on what we thought represented Clemson and its landscape as well as the essence of what it is to be here. From that session we felt that surrounding pastures, Tillman Hall and our stadium, Death Valley, best portrayed the key ideas of agricultural heritage, academic excellence, and community respectively.

Agricultural Land

The image of Lamaster Dairy and agricultural lands represent the deeply rooted history Clemson University has with agricultural education. Clemson was founded as a land grant university, meaning the majority of the courses taught would focus on agricultural, scientific, and mechanical arts. As Clemson’s fields of study expanded and courses were added, Clemson transformed from simply a college to a university, but still retained its agricultural heritage. Clemson remains a premier engineering and agricultural school in South Carolina. For this reason we chose this image to represent our historical connection to the land.

Tillman Hall

Tillman Hall with it striking architecture, prominent location, and impressive bell tower is one of the most distinguished buildings on campus. It was named for a former and influential Governor of the State of South Carolina. As it can be seen from all parts of the campus, it has come to serve as an iconic landmark of Clemson as well as the academic excellence for which Clemson University has come to be known. For this reason we chose this image to represent the academic landscape of Clemson.

Clemson Football

Clemson Football (American Football, not soccer) has a HUGE following throughout the state of South Carolina as well as the southeastern United States. Thousands and thousands of people flood into the small city of Clemson seven Saturdays out of the season, which starts in late August going until late November, to watch the Clemson Tigers play. These games bring together the Clemson community like no other sporting event can do. Current students, alumni, and team fans come together for tailgating and celebrating before and after the games. For this reason we chose the image of a Clemson football game to represent the school spirit and pride that is always present in abundance during these game day events.