Assignments Seminar Concepts of Landscape 2010

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Assignment 1: Pictures of our landscapes


Assigned: Tuesday, Oct. 5

Due: Tuesday, Oct. 19

This first assignment in our joint seminar aims at introducing to each other in which landscapes our universities are located in. In order to do so make pictures of “your” landscape. Looking at a picture of a landscape limits our perception to our visual sense. But together with the knowledge and experience of each of us, a picture gives us several hints about a landscape’s physical, cultural and economic characteristics.

Start this assignment with a brainstorming in smaller groups first to find out what the most significant aspects of your landscape might be. Then go out and make pictures. Select the three you find best to communicate important aspects of this landscape to the other participants. Corresponding with the pictures prepare a brief text that explains what the three pictures can tell us about this landscape. Also prepare a short oral statement about the chosen pictures you will then give in the first joint online session.

Please note: The term “landscape” is not equivalent with a rural setting. This seminar is based on an understanding which embraces urban, suburban as well as rural settings.


  • Three pictures in jpg format uploaded as demonstrated on the seminar WIKI AND sent in high resolution for Vitero presentation to Heike heike.kaiser(at) by Oct. 18
  • Brief written description; 400-500 words; first written as pdf, doc or rtf file, then copied, pasted and edited on the seminar WIKI (s. a.) by Oct. 18
  • Prepare an oral statement of 5 minutes about the chosen pictures for the online meeting on Oct. 19

Evaluation criteria:

  • 60% Content: delivery of products assigned, appropriateness of pictures to illustrate the addressed aspects;
  • 40% Communication: structure/logical flow, professional terminology in oral presentation, and written statement.


Assignment 2

Assignment 3