Minutes May 11, 2010

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In the beginning, Heike pointed out the schedule of this session referring to the seminar structure and process.

After that, Heike explained again the Minute exercise and referred to the use of the following graphic programs:

Seminar Lecture: Landscape Character / Education, Research methods and Approaches

The divided lecture session started with ... ... by ..., dealing with

  • ...

The lecture session was continued with ... by ..., illustrating

  • ...

The slides are downloadable from the password-protected Moodle webpage from the link below, the password has been given to the seminar participants per e-mail.

...: [moodle link title]

These are the participants' contributions:

Reminder: Land8Lounge and Seminar WIKI

In the following, Heike reminded the participants to sign up in Land8Lounge and the specific discussion group as well as to register in the seminar WIKI with full name and a password free of choice as soon as possible in order to be able to upload and edit their contributions.

In addition, the students were requested to continue thinking about an appropriate case study for their online documentation among the Student Case Studies. As soon as they have selected a familiar or well-known cultural landscape project or site (desirably in relation to a metropolitan area), they can list it among the thematic fields by student name and project title. Note: On May 11, 2010 there will be a Vitero session dealing with detailed instructions how to proceed.

A short question round proved that students had basically understood the next steps.

Lecture Recording

Please follow this link for listening to the seminar recording:

  • [link Recording May 11, 2010]

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