Working Group Nature Conservation

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Case Studies of this working group

The list includes all case studies categorised in this group and the respective answers to the first question "Rationale:Why is this case study interesting?"

Attention: this is a dynamic page list, do not edit this paragraph!


 category=Working Group Nature Conservation
 include = #Rationale: Why is this case study interesting?


Core Questions of this Working Group

Core themes (as identified on 3rd of December 2008):

  • User group
  • City
  • Urban nature
  • Interaction
  • Water

Core questions

  1. What is the role of user groups? (Emel)
  2. What is the role of the city? (Virpi)
  3. How do urban and natural structures interact? (Urban nature interaction, Daliborka and Jovana)
  4. What is the role of water? (Barbara)


  • The names behind the questions identify those people that take up a kind of editor's responsibility for the questions. All group members are asked to integrate all questions into their case study report. The respective question editors will then compile the different answers and report back to the group plenary on December 19th.
  • People who did not attend the session on 3rd of December may have additional proposals for core questions. Feel free to add these questions as proposals to the list above and discuss it via e-mail or using the discussion page.
  • Please integrate the questions soon and try to deliver some draft answers before December 15th - otherwise it will become difficult to create a synthesis report for December 17th.

Synthesis of Core Questions

What is the role of user groups?



 category=Working Group Nature Conservation
 include = #What is the role of user groups?


What is the role of the city?



 category=Working Group Nature Conservation
 include = #What is the role of the city?


How do urban and natural structures interact?

Urban nature interaction, Daliborka and Jovana


 category=Working Group Nature Conservation
 include = #How do urban and natural structures interact?


What is the role of water?

Barbara <DPL>

 category=Working Group Nature Conservation
 include = #What is the role of water?


What is the evolution of the urban relation between humans and nature?

Lolita & Chinyi <DPL>

 category=Working Group Nature Conservation
 include = #What is the evolution of the urban relation between humans and nature?


Working Group Minutes

First Meeting