Future Landscapes Group 2

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Case Studies

Case Study Clemson 2

Case Study Tartu 2

Core Questions

Attention: this is a dynamic page list, the answers written in your case studies will appear automatically here. Do not edit this second paragraph.

In how far does this project reveal your concept of future landscapes?


 category=Future Landscapes Group 2 Case Study
 include = #Core Question 1: In how far does this project reveal your concept of future landscapes?


What is the role of landscape architecture in this project?


 category=Future Landscapes Group 2 Case Study
 include = #Core Question 2: What is the role of landscape architecture in this project?


Comparative Analysis

  • Which major similarities and differences could you identify in those two case studies?

Both of the projects are "green thinking" projects. The difference between these two projects was the cause, how "the green thinking" started. The american project started because of the blackout of the power grid collapsing. The estonian project started because there was necessity for independence from imported energy. The reason for new thinking was the same, but the other project started from pre-warning.

Synthesis and Outlook

The landscape architects are part of larger project. They need extra skills, how to implement new technologies and materials into the landscape and deal with the difficulties what comes with them.

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