Bunte Gärten (Colourful Gardens) Esslingen-Pliensauvorstadt, Germany

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by Ulrike

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Name Bunte Gärten (Colourful Gardens)
Place Esslingen-Pliensauvorstadt
Country Germany
Author(s) Ulrike Hail
Completion May 2009
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Author's personal background

Diploma in Landscape Architecture in 2006 at Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences. Diploma Thesis: planning a playground with the participation of children. After that working in a Landscape Architecture Office for one year. Since March 2007 working at Nürtingen University as scientific coworker and self-employed.

Process Biography Scheme

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Process biography example

Who initiated the project and why?

The project was initiated by the city council of Essingen am Neckar. This city is situated in southern Germany near Stuttgart, with a population of 92 000 people.

The Colourful Gardens are situated in the urban district Pliensauvorstadt. Both the parks and gardens department and the town planning service of Esslingen have initiated and carried out various activities to improve the quality of life in this quarter. One of the many projects was the construction of intercultural gardens. The intention was to bring together pepople with various cultural, ethnical and religious backgrounds.

When was public participation most intensive?

As public participation was an essential part of the planning process, the people were involved right from the start through to the construction. The participation and the professional planning alternated as claryfied in the process biography scheme above.

First the residents of the district were invited to an information evening, where they were briefed about the project. Concurrently they could express their first ideas and expectations. Three preliminaty designs were created from this ideas. They were presented at the following meeting and the participants could choose their favorite design. This was refined to a draft that was again discussed and improved by the future users of the Colourful Gardens.

After the construction plans were drawn the gardens were built of a landscape gardener in cooperation with the participants and various other volunteers.

Which participation tools have been applied?

On which level of participation?

Which stakeholders have been involved?

Have there been any festivities in order to involve the public?

There was an information evening at the beginning of the planning process. During the construction works there were several days were the participants as well as other volunteer helpers could actively support the formation of the Colouful Gardens. Finally the project was inaugurated with an official opening ceremony.

Who made the major decisions and when?

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