Working Group Open Spaces

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Case Studies of this working group

The list includes all case studies categorised in this group and the respective answers to the first question "Rationale:Why is this case study interesting?"

Attention: this is a dynamic page list, do not edit this paragraph!


 category=Working Group Open Spaces
 include = #Rationale: Why is this case study interesting?

</DPL> Back to top

Core Questions of this Working Group

  1. How can the design of an open space contribute to a run down neighbourhood? [Sofia]
  2. How are open spaces linked to the adjacent area (e.g. neighbourhoods, city centre, river)? [Louis]
  3. How are open spaces used (e.g. which groups meet there, which functions does an open space fullfill)? (Haris)
  4. Which elements make an open space successful and attractive? [Eunan] [Yujun]
  5. How can the historical background of an open space be shown to the public? [Salome]


  • The names behind the questions identify those people that take up a kind of editor's responsibility for the questions. All group members are asked to integrate all questions into their case study report. The respective question editors will then compile the different answers and report back to the group plenary on December 19th.
  • People who did not attend the session on 3rd of December may have additional proposals for core questions or join a responsible person to one of the core questions above. Feel free to add questions as proposals to the list above and discuss it via e-mail or using the discussion page.
  • Please integrate the questions soon and try to deliver some draft answers before December 15th - otherwise it will become difficult to create a synthesis report for December 17th.

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Synthesis of core questions

How does the design of an open space contribute to a run down neighbourhood?

Answers of the Case Studies

[Sofia] <DPL>

 category=Working Group Open Spaces
 include = #How does the design of an open space contribute to a run down neighbourhood?



Sofia Back to top

How are open spaces linked to the adjacent areas (e.g. neighbourhoods, city centre, river)?

Answers of the Case Studies

[Louis] <DPL>

 category=Working Group Open Spaces
 include = #How are open spaces linked to the adjacent areas?



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How are open spaces used (e.g. which groups meet there, which functions does an open space fullfil)?

Answers of the Case Studies


 category=Working Group Open Spaces
 include = #How are open spaces used?



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The topic about usage of open spaces is very broad so we tried in our work to split it into smaller parts rising some main questions, and on this way, to go into details of this important issue. Analysing those questions (see below) we can come to the conclusion if the landscapes fulfill the objective which they actually were constructed for, are they successful and serve to the people because landscapes are made for people (that is why landscape architects are here). If they are successful and well visited they are the best promotion for the profession. Another important thing would be to analyse if the open spaces fullfil the intended function or are there another unpredicted by the designers. We can also read out of these questions, if the opens spaces are less successful and do not completely fullfil their objective, where is still potential to make this open space better. That means to point some not so sucessful aspects and, of couurse, to propose the future development steps. Our analysis was about 10 different open spaces of different types (parks, gardens, residential and commercial environments) so we raised 7 main questions:

  • interpretation

Synthesis xls.jpg

  • slides

How are open space used 1.jpg How are open space used 2.jpg

Which elements make an open space successful and attractive?

Answers of the Case Studies

[Eunan] [Yujun] <DPL>

 category=Working Group Open Spaces
 include = #Which elements make an open space successful and attractive?









Diagram copy.jpg

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How can the historical background of an open space be shown to the public?

Answers of the Case Studies

[Salome] <DPL>

 category=Working Group Open Spaces
 include = #How can the historical background of an open space be shown to the public?



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Minutes of this Working Group