Working Group Green Structure Planning

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Case Studies of this working group

The list includes all case studies categorised in this group and the respective answers to the first question "Rationale:Why is this case study interesting?"

Attention: this is a dynamic page list, do not edit this paragraph!


 category=Working Group Green Structure Planning
 include = #Rationale: Why is this case study interesting?

</DPL> Back to top

Core Questions of this Working Group

1. How does funding influence the planning and use of public space? (MARKUS)
2. How are spaces within the site used, both currently and projected? (MARKUS)
3. How can the historic elements / layers be integrated? (CLAUDIA)
4. How do the contributing elements of water (recreational, historical, transportation, environmental, etc) relate to the project?
5. How does the built environment relate to the landscape around it? (PAUL)
6. Which functions the open spaces should perform to help achieve the established goals?
7. How cultural factors (environmental perception, social conditions, ecological illiteracy, etc) can affect the design process and its post-implementation performance?

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Synthesis of Core Questions

How does funding influence the planning and use of public space?


Answers of the Case Studies


 category=Working Group Green Structure Planning
 include = #How does funding influence the planning and use of public space?



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How are spaces within the site used both currently and projected?

Answers of the Case Studies


 category=Working Group Green Structure Planning
 include = #How are spaces within the site used both currently and projected?



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How can the historic elements / layers be integrated?


Answers of the Case Studies


 category=Working Group Green Structure Planning
 include = #How can the historic elements / layers be integrated?



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How do the contributing elements of water relate to the project?

(recreational, historical, transportation, environmental, etc)

Answers of the Case Studies


 category=Working Group Green Structure Planning
 include = #How do the contributing elements of water relate to the project?



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How does the built environment relate to the landscape around it?


Answers of the Case Studies


 category=Working Group Green Structure Planning
 include = #How does the built environment relate to the landscape around it?



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Minutes this Working Group

First Meeting

Minutes from first group meeting (December 3rd)