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Back to Assignment 4: Landscape Concepts by country

Landscape Concept 1

by: Carla Tosso


Concept 1: “El paisaje está tan arraigado a nosotros que forma parte de nuestra historia y de nuestra cultura. La necesidad de las personas de volcarse a ella es cada vez mayor, ya sea por controlar la contaminación, como efecto desestresante en contraste con las grises y aceleradas urbes, como recreación, o bien para tratar de conservar la belleza y la diversidad existentes. Ya no se trata solo de contemplar, sino también de experimentar y vivir en forma sana y equilibrada.»

English translation

"The landscape is so ingrained in us that is part of our history and our culture. The need for people to turn to it is growing, either to control pollution, such as stressing effect in contrast to the gray and accelerated cities, such as recreation, or to try to preserve the beauty and diversity exist. It is no longer just to contemplate, but also to experience and live in a healthy and balanced. "

Landscape Concept 2

by: Please add your names here...

For regular people landscape is what they see, it can be a nice view of the ocean or a beautiful garden, they don’t have the same concept as landscape architects, they think is just what they see what surrounds them it can even be the plants that are in a park, is not a very evolved concept, and they don’t notice all the implications and disciplines that involve landscape .