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=== Which participation tools have been applied? ===
=== Which participation tools have been applied? ===
The council has organized different informative sessions. And new-ideas events in order to consider new proposals or incidental changes as far as citizens are concerned.
Magazines, newspapers and brochure have spreaded the main acting points of this project and new masterplan configuration.
==== On which level of participation? ====
==== On which level of participation? ====

Revision as of 20:48, 19 September 2010

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Name Masterplan Valladolid
Place Valladolid
Country Spain
Author(s) Richard Rogers & Associates
Completion still in progess
Client Valladolid Local Council
Project costs 626 M€
Valladolid satelite.jpg

Rationale: Why is this case interesting?

Valladolid finds itself in a deep urbanistic transformation. It is proposed the chance of thinking of the city in a very different scales.

Four big topics are openned to discuss about:

Growing Formules | Urban nucleus Integration | Sostenibility Idea | Environmental Strategies

This project is based on the Growth of the city of Valladolid as a 'compact city' with dense and also compact growing satellites. That means to be far from the 'diffuse city' growth process from another cities.

El Corredor - the linear area vacated by the burial of the tracks. Los Talleres - the area vacated by the relocation of the railway workshops on the outskirts of the city. La Esperanza-Ariza - the area released by the permanent disuse Ariza line and station. Argales - the area currently occupied by the container station and welding tracks works. Bus station - released by the relocation of the current season in a new location next to the railway station.

If we add these five areas up, the surface is significant. In fact, this project almost unprecedented in scale compared with the size of the city. The area it needs is more than 5% of the consolidated area of the city, and approximately 25% of Historic Town area. Therefore, it means the removal of surface roads and reintegration of those areas where the city represents a unique opportunity to create the future of Valladolid.

Author's personal background

The city has always had the same problem: train railway. This physical barrier divides the city in two parts(east and west), nowadays without a good communication between them. Hidding down the train railways should activate the fluency.

Process Biography Scheme

Masterplan valladolid map-Model2.jpg

Who initiated the project and why?

Richard Roger's team and Luis Vidal, spanish associated architect. They gave the project to eh High Speed Society in 2003, including several city areas to be modify. Reconnecting and Regenerating Valladolid city centre, Spain, by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners Vilady Asociados for Valladolid Alta Velocidad, S.A. Of this city masterplan, the jury admired the focus brought to bear on a generic urban problem – the splitting of a town by natural and man-made barriers. The masterplan provides layers of connection and amenities which transform the city and its environs

The existing urban structure is severely distorted, not only for the limited number of bridges over the river, but also by the small number of tunnels and viaducts that allow the crossing of the railway. As a result, there is a substantial pressure on those few points, resulting in high levels of congestion and conflicts of movement in those areas.

When was public participation most intensive?

The same year a two months public information period was openned. Modification or complaints were accepted. The council has always kept a good information to the citizens about this huge project. This is an urban project in the long term, therefore public participation can not be so continuos.

Which participation tools have been applied?

The council has organized different informative sessions. And new-ideas events in order to consider new proposals or incidental changes as far as citizens are concerned. Magazines, newspapers and brochure have spreaded the main acting points of this project and new masterplan configuration.

On which level of participation?

Reusing old areas of train station in order to create and encourage new communications and living areas. Mostly the hidding down of the train railways in order to organize better the access to the city bus/train stations. New movility strategies. Landscape and environmentalism. New sustainable building rules.

Which stakeholders have been involved?

High Speed Society | Valladolid Local Council | Regional Ministry of Public Works | Ministry of Public Works

Have there been any festivities in order to involve the public?

Not yet about the project itself. But the city is very aware of the change it will suffer. The 150th anniversary of the Train in the city of Valladolid was a perfect chance to spread and inform the citizens.

Who made the major decisions and when?

High Speed Society | Valladolid Local Council | Ministry of Public Works

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