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by: ''Balázs Dukai''
by: ''Balázs Dukai''

This is a poem from the romantic literature era in Hungary. It describes an idyllic, and romantic landscape as it was perceived by the author, or as he imagined it.

=== Original ===
=== Original ===
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by: ''Balázs Dukai''
by: ''Balázs Dukai''

As the member of the EU, Hungary also put into force the regulations of the European Landscape Convention (Firenze, 2000). Therefore in law, the definition of landscape is the same as it is described in the ELC.
As part of the Council of Europe, Hungary decided to adopt the European Landscape Convention (Firenze, 2000). Therefore in law in Hungary, the definition of landscape is the same as it is described in the ELC.

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a) „Landscape” means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors.
a) „Landscape” means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors.

== Landscape Concept 5 – Definiton of landscape by the hungarian landscape architecture profession==
== Landscape Concept 5 – Definiton of landscape by the hungarian landscape architecture profession==

Latest revision as of 20:22, 14 December 2010

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Landscape Concept 1 – Hungarian Lexicon

by: Balázs Dukai


"A földfelszín azon – geológiai, éghajlati, ökológiai stb. tényezők hatására kialakult, sajátos területi, tőbbé-kevésbé egységes – része, amely összességében bizonyos szempontok alapján mekülönböztethető a szomszédos területektől. Két alaptípusa a természeti és a kultúrtáj."

"Táj" in: Magyar Nagylexikon [Hungarian Lexicon], Vizi E. Szilveszter et. al. (eds.), XVII., Budapest, Magyar Nagylexikon Kiadó, 2003, pp. 108.

English translation

That part of the land – which is evolved by the effect of geographical, climatic, ecological etc. factors, is more or less consistent – and distinguishable in some aspects from the neighborhood territories. Two main types are the natural landscape and the cultivated(culture) landscape.

Landscape Concept 2 – Dictionary of the Hungarian Language

by: Balázs Dukai


"Földrajza, növényzete stb. alapján egységes vagy összefüggő (kisebb) terület. A körülöttünk látható természet."

"Táj" in: Magyar Értelmező Kéziszótár [Dictionary of the Hungarian Language], Pusztai Ferenc et. al. (eds.), Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 2003. (2. edition, unedited reprint in 2006.), pp. 1296.

English translation

A (smaller) territory what is consistent or coherent on the ground of it's geography, vegetation etc. The nature around us.

Landscape Concept 3 – Petőfi Sándor: A Tiszánál

by: Balázs Dukai

This is a poem from the romantic literature era in Hungary. It describes an idyllic, and romantic landscape as it was perceived by the author, or as he imagined it.


The original poem and the translation can be seen here:


Landscape Concept 4 – Definition of landscape in law

by: Balázs Dukai

As part of the Council of Europe, Hungary decided to adopt the European Landscape Convention (Firenze, 2000). Therefore in law in Hungary, the definition of landscape is the same as it is described in the ELC.


a) „Táj” az ember által érzékelt terület, amelynek jellege természeti tényezők és/vagy emberi tevékenységek hatása és kölcsönhatása eredményeként alakult ki


English translation

a) „Landscape” means an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors.

Landscape Concept 5 – Definiton of landscape by the hungarian landscape architecture profession

by: Balázs Dukai


„A táj nem más, mint a természet és a társadalom kölcsönhatásainak ellentmondásos, ezért dialektikus egysége. A táj egyrészt a társadalom anyagi életfeltétele, másrészt magas rendű vizuális-esztétikai kvalitások hordozója. Ezért egyben az ember és természet kölcsönhatásainak tárgyiasult – az ember alakította anyagi világban manifesztálódott – története. A táj antroposzociocentrikus fogalom. A természet és társadalom olyan ellentétpár, mely kölcsönösen áthatja egymást, és megbonthatatlan egységet képez. Azaz a táj a társadalmi igényeknek megfelelően bioszférából nooszférává alakított, emberiesített természet, emberi környezet."

Mőcsényi Mihály, 1968

English translation

The landscape is the controversial, therefore dialectical unity of the interactions between nature and society. The landscape on one hand is the society's substantial condition of existence, on the other hand it bears high-class visual-aesthetic qualities. Hence, it is the human-nature interactions materialized history. The landscape is an antroposociocentric concept. The nature and society is such a contrast which mutually pervades one another, and forms an unbreakable unity. Thus the landscape was formed accordingly to the society's needs from biosphere to noosphere, so it is domesticated nature, human environment.